zero pounds

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zero pounds

Postby Alison » May 19th, 2004, 8:49 am

last week I lost 1 pound this week 0. I actually thought I would be up. I cheated with the scale and weighed in after 3 days not a full week. I was up 4lbs. I don't even want to tell you all how freaked I was. I just kept saying hold on til Wed. my weigh in day. My husband kept saying I was crazy that it would be impossible to gain weight on MF. I don't know why I am losing so slowly. I am tired of thinking I would be at such and such number by such and such date. It is what it is. I chose MF because I didn't want to have the option of overeating anything. I wanted to be healthy and get the proper nutrients every day. I guess my body's adjusting. The good news is I am getting out and about again!! Boy is it a challenge to find ways to meet people and things to do with them that does not involve FOOD! Groups and classes is the key. MF is teaching me how to enjoy life w/o food. It is actually weird for me. I used to look forward to each new day because I would have an empty tummy to fill with all kinds of goodies. So sad. Now I fill myself up w/good books, conversation, new activities (like window shopping) because soon I will be in all the great cloths. I finally have the confidence to join workshops. I never could do that. I voice my ideas and opinions. I couldn't before I felt too vulnerable. Maybe I take 6 months to get to goal but in the meantime I will be living again!! The last week was really hard for me I almost fell. My husband went on a business trip and took the laptop (ie NO internet for me) I saw the scale go up - the perfect recipe for disaster!! My saving grace was knowing that I would be returning here to all your kind words and support. Life is so one day at a time. To all those who have posted weightloss the least fews day Hooray!! To all of those who are stuggling I am right there w'you. To Jeanette- simply please don't go.
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Postby Jeanette » May 19th, 2004, 9:13 am


No need to freak out about the scale going up if you are faithful to the program. As Mike has said many times, it is impossible to NOT lose weight on this program IF you are following it to the letter.

Hang in there love!!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby Marseilles » May 19th, 2004, 9:21 am

Hi Alison..

So, So true..the frustration of seeing the scale go UP is cruel and unusal punishment, IMO. If it is any consolation, you are not alone. yesterday I stepped on the scale and I was up... 4.4 pounds up. :x

I believe my exact words to Mike in my lamenting were...well, omitting the obscenities, of course :mrgreen:, "that has to be the LEAST gratifying weight gain I have EVER experienced." Following that was a resounding "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah". You can ask him, he will only be too happy to confirm. I was irritable..but I am not admitting defeat, by any means. Today I can feel that the weight is coming off. As Jeannette said, medifast will be faithful to us as long as we are faithful to it.

To quasi-quote 'The Guido': "The body is a pretty smart muscle, it'll hang onto weight when it needs to and let it go when it is time."

Stay strong, you shaker..itll come off. And a HUGE kudos to stayiing true to this program even when the recipe for disaster was there.

Im proud of you.
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Postby Landylue » May 19th, 2004, 10:43 am

Ladies, how do you handle the weeks where you lose less than 2 lbs? Last week I lost 1.something pounds, and I'm thinking that I could be eating and losing as much. Only, then I remember my strict First Place diet where I only lost 3 or 4 lbs a MONTH. I swear, I get to feeling like my body has a mind of its own and its 'out to get me!' How can anyone take in no more than 500 calories a day and only lose 2 or less pounds a week?????? Is this just a stage that hits people when they get to the 30 lb level? DANG!!!

I leave tomorrow for California, and I'm taking my Medifast, but I'm actually feeling angry inside today about HAVING to be on a fast during this trip. I suppose I don't HAVE to, rather, I am CHOOSING to. DANG!!!

I guess I am feeling very frustrated!!! :x

You guys have a great week, and I'll check back in with you around the 29th. Everyone stay the course!

By the way, have I told you guys lately how much I appreciate every single one of you?

Landylue Out.
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Postby Carrie » May 19th, 2004, 11:11 am

Right there with ya Landy. I was getting very frustrated too, and wound up eating. So now I'm up several pounds, and reversed a couple weeks worth of effort. Don't make my mistake, it isn't worth it.

Stick to your plan, kiddo.
Last edited by Carrie on May 19th, 2004, 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Jeanette » May 19th, 2004, 11:48 am

Amen to that Carrie! Stick with it Landy!!
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Postby trish » May 19th, 2004, 2:30 pm

My scales go up and down a few pounds constantly. I can't seem to find a good scale. Any suggestions? I mean I can get off and on my scales 5 or 6 times in a few minutes and the number keeps changing. I went to Linens and Things and got on every scale (off & on) and they flucuated also - even the expensive weigh watchers scales) What I do that tells me really how I am doing is I have a pair of shorts that I try on every day and I can tell I'm losing weight by the way they feel. But if anyone has a great scale, please let me know.

Texas Trish :D
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Postby explorthis » May 19th, 2004, 2:59 pm

I can't seem to find a good scale

Trish, I think any quality scale, make it digital and one that weighs in decimals, will work.

What is important is this, Medifast is working weather you see immediate results or not, The loss is not based on the dreaded fat-o-meter, so don’t get glued to it.

My (way) weigh suggestion:

Pick a certain time, after you have the quality scale. Weigh this time exactly. Same bat time, and same bat channel. Mine (like Carries) is early in the AM, after that first bathroom break, and pulling the miniscule amount of belly button lint out, so the scale gets a true reading.

Point being, every scale is different, my Doctor’s office scale is a out and out LIAR. Get the point?

A good scale will set you back $30-50 depending on what you get. Mine is a no name brand. I don’t think you need to mortgage the house to get a name brand one (personal opinion)

Your body does weird things, learn to weigh at the same place, and same time, and same wear-4-all, and you will get a consistent#.

My 10 cents.

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Postby Sylvia » May 19th, 2004, 7:35 pm

I understand completely the frustration of an inaccurate scale - I have had several that changed DRAMATICALLY when moved to different spots around the house. I finally found a really good and truly reliable one. The brand is Taylor and it is a lithium scale. It is digital and measures every 2/10 of a pound. You can jump on it, stand on one foot, move it and do all of the normal tricks and it never budges.

Best of all, I got it at Target and it was not expensive - I think around $25.

Having it has really helped me a lot - even though my weight fluctuates a bit from day to day, sometimes having even a .2 or .4 loss helps keep me motivated. I strongly recommend this scale to everyone!
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Postby trish » May 19th, 2004, 8:36 pm

Thanks. I'll go to Target tomorrow. Mine is so bad that I can get on right foot first and it will say one weight, get off, and get on left foot first and the weight will be different. :x

Texas Trish

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Postby trish » May 19th, 2004, 8:53 pm

Do you know which model you have? I looked up Taylor Scales on the internet and there are several lithium digital scales.

Thanks :?:

Texas Trish
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Postby Sylvia » May 20th, 2004, 7:25 am

There doesn't seem to be a model number on it. It says Taylor on top and lithium in small letters right under the area where the weight shows. I think it was the only Taylor one they carried at Target.
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Postby trish » May 20th, 2004, 2:09 pm

Thanks for checking, Silvia. I just got back from Target and the scales are great. I got on frontwards, sideways, backwards, one foot, you get the idea, and they were exact to the 10th each time. In case they had memory like some people were talking about, I got on and off with my purse and other different items in between and they didn't change. This makes my day.

Texas Trish :yes:
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