by FertileMyrtle » December 14th, 2006, 12:47 pm
So what you're saying is 100%compliance is the key? lol Well, I read a post in The Elevator by Gerald, and the part about his mother-in-law who followed weight watchers religiously, but licked the cake knife and nibbled (and never lost weight)...that really hit home. I'm not a big picker, and my picks were not mini-meals by any stretch. However, like Dede said, I think it began with overdressing the chili, skipping veggies in my L/G, and then "Andrea-fying" by compensating later...with a cracker. And then being hungrier!
Well, I've posted notes all over my kitchen, and I will be compliant till I'm done!
Argghh!! Why am I so hard headed?? Part of me wants to argue "Hey--no ones perfect!! You've cheated, too!" And the answer would proobably be some thing like "Yes, and that's why we KNOW that 100% compliance is the esy way!"
5'10" age 29
Start Date 11/24/06
10# 12/06/06
15# 12/20/06
Restart 3/1/07 at 180
3/13/07 172
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