Zero Energy

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Zero Energy

Postby MM77 » October 24th, 2005, 6:36 pm

Zero energy - as in, less than usual :lol: is what I'm experiencing on this, my third day. Is this going to pass? I'm also worried that I'm just not eating enough - I can't manage more than 4 products and 1 L&G. Advice? If I restrict too much will my body just hang onto everything? Otherwise things are fine, I'm just not feeling so great.
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Postby Jade » October 24th, 2005, 6:43 pm

Hang in there. The 3rd and sometimes 4th days can be really tough. Your body will kick into ketosis soon and you will feel a resurgence of energy. Actually you are supposed to be having 5 supplements and a lean and green, not 4. So don't cheat yourself. Once you see the results on the scale you will see that the weight is sliding off, not hanging on. Jade
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Postby sister » October 24th, 2005, 6:53 pm

oh no!

You are feeling bad because you aren't eating enough. You MUST get in all 5 MF products and the lean and green.- and all of your water. The first several days are a huge transition from what we are used to so don't cheat yourself.
Get with your health advisor to work out your schedule and get an extra boost.

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Eat more?

Postby MM77 » October 24th, 2005, 6:59 pm

Eating every 3 hours 5 times a day get's me through 15 hours. I'm looking at 6-9-12-3-6. Should I do every 2.5 hours? 6-8.30-11-1.30-4-6.30? On one hand, it seems like too much, but on the other it seems like not enough.
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Postby sister » October 24th, 2005, 7:08 pm

If your first schedule works, the 6pm is your lean and green and then 1 more MF around 8:30 or so. If every 2.5 hours is better for you, that's ok. For me, it goes something like this:

7 oatmeal
10 shake
12:30 soup w/crackers
3:30 bar
6:30-7 lean and green
8:30-9 frozen shake or regular shake or oatmeal cookies

Just play with it til it works out best for you.
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Postby Nancy » October 24th, 2005, 11:15 pm

Michele ~

You may need to fix a cup of bouillon - it is usually the third day that people feel weak and washed out - have a cup or two of bouillon and add that 5th packet. This is the 5 and 1 program…5 Medifast packets and 1 lean and green for a total of 6 meals per day…it is not heroic to get by on less than what is prescribed. Your body will rebel, your weight loss will slow down and it can jeopardize your health. If it’s hard to get the 5 and 1 in during the day at a three hour interval then yes, have the packets every 2 to 2.5 hours apart.

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