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Postby Zinkette99 » January 20th, 2006, 6:41 pm

Well, I have to admit, a lot of the foods in my variety pack don't exactly tickle my hungry bone. But thats ok, of course, because now I am able to know what to order next time.

However I was beyond excited to try my bonus packet of French Vanilla Berry Oatmeal. SO GOOD. Tasted almost as good as the regular Quaker Oats kind. I find that putting a little less water than what the instructions say helps with consistency and setting. Especially with the puddings.

I am bummed it was only a bonus packet. I would eat it every day, twice a day. By the way, is there anything wrong with eating the same things all the time? Will this lessen the effect?

Thanks again for all support and questions answered!
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Postby onehotmommy » January 20th, 2006, 11:32 pm

I haven't tried that one, but I had maple & brown sugar the other day and peach today and I like them both alot. I :heart: the peach in fact! I cooked mine on the stove, two packets at once, then divided them up. I have a yummy peach for tomorrow waiting for me in the fridge right now! I used the 6 ozs of water per packet and they actually thicken up really nice on the stove. I just want to feel jipped with 4 ozs of oatmeal if I can have 6 ozs! :lol: I barely get the water to a boil, then I turn it down for a few more minutes, then off and let it sit to thicken.....stirring every so often the whole time of course! I also sweetened the peach up with Splenda before I ate it. I am thinking I will like the maple & brown sugar more when I sweeten it. You can definately eat whichever MF meals you want to whenever, just remember, one bar a day. If you want 1 oatmeal or 5 oatmeals a day, it is up to you. I really thought I would have 3 shakes a day, but I was wrong, I am loving the other foods and I like having "food" and not just shakes!!! :eat:
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Postby sidrah » January 21st, 2006, 7:07 pm

Yup, from what I have read and been told, you can have 5 puddings a day or 5 chocolate shakes. It doesn't matter as long as it id just one bar.

Many days I have just oatmeal and hot chocolate. Someof the oatmeal I make into cookies and have with hot tea.

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Oatmeal cookies???

Postby Blondie » January 24th, 2006, 9:57 am

Hi Sidrah,

How do you make oatmeal cookies? That sounds good. I don't have a great imagination when it comes to things like this.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. I really love the soup. The cream of chicken. I could have that all the day. I am getting bored with the shakes, so I have only 1 shake a day early in the morning to get me started, then I move on to oatmeal, the soup, a bar, the soup again and then a pudding in the late evening, to hold me so I can get some sleep.
I am doing the full complete program, not the 5- and 1.
How are you doing on this?

Maria or Blondie
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