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You want another reason to stay on Medifast?

Postby BerkshireGrl » November 11th, 2004, 5:51 am

Wednesday I had my annual cholesterol check-up. Although I'm 33, I get them yearly because I have a family history of high cholesterol and heart problems.

In 2002, it was 238. Last year, it was a whopping 303 - mostly due to being on Atkins for a month beforehand - I hope! That scared the bejoopers out of me, so no more Atkins!

So from 303... to 202 THIS YEAR!

WOW! A drop of 101 points! I'll tell you it was NOT due to my pre-MF diet of boxloads of pizza, cheese sticks, burgers and gallons of wine!

And I've only been on MF since October 16th! I'm definitely betting the test will be under 200 by the end of this...

The doc and nurse at the testing clinic were VERY interested in the Medifast program. They had not heard of it, so I shared all I knew, of course mentioning Johns Hopkins and the NIH using it ;) The nurse who counsels people on their results was planning to read up on it with the intent of perhaps suggesting it to people with high cholesterol. (Score one for MF!)

So... to sound like a cheesy TV commercial... Hey... psst... I lowered my cholesterol! Or... Medifast lowered it really! :D And soon there may be some Western Mass people with high cholesterol checking out Medifast too.

Heck by the end of this, (well, when I'm at goal; I don't think it will ever really "end") I think I might need to check out getting involved with MF on a deeper level than just drinking it :mrgreen:
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Postby gr8views » November 11th, 2004, 7:03 am

I was wondering how your test went. Good for you! Yeah, Medifast! :cheermed:

What a great test result. You go, girl!!!

Waving and cheering from NM! :byebye:

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Postby fedup » November 11th, 2004, 7:33 am

Wow! :shock: What a drop in cholesterol! Pretty cool! Yet another motivator to stay on the program huh! Congratulations!
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Postby Sylvia » November 11th, 2004, 8:54 am

I loved the MF results from the beginning but what really sold me was my cholesteral. I went to the DR after I have been on MF for about 3 mos. I had always tested pretty high - I think my last result before MF was 242 or something. The lowest I'd ever tested was 205 and that was when I was almost exclusively eating vegetarian. The Dr. said it was very possible that it was just a hereditary thing and I would need to take medication.

Then I got the results. It was 168! Everything completely normal. I was sold. I had it taken again for a medical exam I needed to get new life insurance (oh, and BTW, my life ins is MUCH cheaper now even though I am 3 years older than when I last applied for it. I got double the amount of coverage for just a tad more than I had been paying for half as much) and it was down to 162.

That is when I also decided to continue using these products for the long term. They are amazing!
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CHEAPER life insurance!!

Postby gr8views » November 11th, 2004, 9:05 am

I don't know why that really sets me on fire, but the cheaper life insurance is SOOOO cool! I feel like I pay WAY TOO MUCH right now for less insurance. My husband can get whatever he wants for insurance - almost twice as much as I and for almost half the cost.

I guess cheaper life insurance is just another indicator - like not losing your breath climbing stairs and not having to eat the candy on your coworkers desk just 'cause it's there.

WAY TO GO, SYLVIA!!! I'm going back and reading all your posts to get motivation as well. Motivation comes from each other as we go through this together, from LW as our health advisor AND from success stories LIKE YOU!!!

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Postby Sylvia » November 11th, 2004, 9:30 am


You have the right attitude. You just have to make this THE priority in your life for the few short months it takes. Some days it really stinks, but you have to keep your eye on the prize. Someone has a tagline on their signature that says something about not trading what you want most for what you want now. That really resonated with me.

I also told everyone I know so I felt accountable to everyone and so eyes would be on me everywhere I went. Then I just did it and never stopped.

Don't let anything get in your way!

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Postby Nancy » November 11th, 2004, 2:29 pm

Oh , yeah! :yes:

You are all getting it. It is so rewarding to me when the benefits of getting healthy and the weight loss success begins to sink in with you all.
It's getting hammered into your thoughts now! :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

So many people initially whine about the $$$$ of Medifast products but when folks begin to see how much $$ they save in the end with the substantial savings at the grocery store when we eliminate junk food, insurance premiums, smaller clothing costs a lot less than custom-sized threads, the prescription drugs fees that are eliminated, etc. and then there's the good and happy feelings deep down inside for accomplishing such an amazing feat - it is worth it all!

The health benefits alone are worth it. We use Medifast every day. We signed up for the Preferred Customer Club, too so we can keep on getting our favorite products at regular intervals - it saves us time and $$because as we use more, we are rewarded with optimal health maintenance and the savings of the price of the products. ;)
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