Krandle I have a friend who was maybe 200 lbs, she was a new girl at fedex , she was single, and I remember she complained of no dates!
Once she started driving, ( very heavy job !) she started losing a few lbs, then she started running, well, during the winter not many noticed her melting ! Spring came and she was at least 60 lbs lighter ! God Bless HER !!! she looked amazing ! She got a new do- and boy, one night she came in the office and was teary eyed, and asked "why is it, that the guy I had a crush on when I was fat never gave me the time of day, now, Im thinner, and hes asking me out .... everyone notices me now.... but, Im the same girl... Now I dont like him anymore.... " now he says dam, you were a real tank a**.... but now... you look great, bla bla bla....
well, he never got a date...but she did eventually find a great guy ! She was like a butterfly , some people are cruel, I notice people think Im deaf.... wow, she gained some weight huh??? Thats ok .... my transformation is in progress !! You did good ~~