Society makes over weight people out to be lazy failures. Many of us have bought into that lie. Folks, we need to assess the reasons we are losing our weight. If we don't have the right reasons and motivations, we are almost certain to fail.
Don't lose weight because you think others will finally accept you (co-workers, peers, spouse, family, etc). Don't lose weight because you think you will finally accept yourself if you are thin. Let me tell you something, if you hate yourself now, you will hate yourself thin too. Trust me, you WILL still be YOU when you get to goal.
Lose weight because you love yourself. Lose weight because you want to be a good friend to yourself. Lose weight because you want to be healthy and live a long healthy life. Lose weight because you want to experience all that a healthy life has to offer.
Accept yourself now! You are worthy of love! Love yourself now! You are worthy of friendship. Be a friend to yourself now! You are a good person. Be good to yourself now! When you care about yourself, you will be free to live this lifestyle with more ease, less anxiety and won't have unrealistic expectations of yourself and others.
Be good to yourself. Stay on program and work on loving yourself