You are NOT what you weigh

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You are NOT what you weigh

Postby MusicalMomma » February 14th, 2006, 9:07 am

I just felt compelled to share this.

Society makes over weight people out to be lazy failures. Many of us have bought into that lie. Folks, we need to assess the reasons we are losing our weight. If we don't have the right reasons and motivations, we are almost certain to fail.

Don't lose weight because you think others will finally accept you (co-workers, peers, spouse, family, etc). Don't lose weight because you think you will finally accept yourself if you are thin. Let me tell you something, if you hate yourself now, you will hate yourself thin too. Trust me, you WILL still be YOU when you get to goal.

Lose weight because you love yourself. Lose weight because you want to be a good friend to yourself. Lose weight because you want to be healthy and live a long healthy life. Lose weight because you want to experience all that a healthy life has to offer.

Accept yourself now! You are worthy of love! Love yourself now! You are worthy of friendship. Be a friend to yourself now! You are a good person. Be good to yourself now! When you care about yourself, you will be free to live this lifestyle with more ease, less anxiety and won't have unrealistic expectations of yourself and others.

Be good to yourself. Stay on program and work on loving yourself :)
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Postby falisamarie » February 14th, 2006, 9:15 am


Bravo :bravo: Excellent post and a needed one too. You are right on track as usual. :yourock:

Lisa :heart:
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I'm new but..

Postby Ginabobina1969 » February 14th, 2006, 9:18 am

I think you are absolutely correct.

Accept yourself now! You are worthy of love! Love yourself now! You are worthy of friendship. Be a friend to yourself now! You are a good person. Be good to yourself now! When you care about yourself, you will be free to live this lifestyle with more ease, less anxiety and won't have unrealistic expectations of yourself and others.

This struck a chord. I do have a hard time accepting me as I am now. My husband loves me just the way I am, in fact seems to love and desire me no matter how crumbly/bumbly I feel I look. Thats a real gift from him..I just wish I could see myself through his eyes. Because what I do see on the outside doesn't match how I feel on the inside.

I DO want to look better. I would be lying if I said otherwise.
But, I feel that I do love WHO I am...I just want my outside to match my inside. Does that make sense? I want to have the energy to be able to do all the things I feel like doing. Basically, I want to be free of this prison I call my body.

I am going to try very hard to take your advise and relax into this new metamorphic stage of my life..changing outwardly but staying "ME".

Thanks so much for that!
Gina-The typaholic :oops:

Previously...02/16/06 BMI-50 276/188
Restart....03/31/2008 -failed
Restart 03/26/09 280/267 Failed
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Postby Marseilles » February 14th, 2006, 9:26 am

A fitting post for valentines day!
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Re: I'm new but..

Postby MusicalMomma » February 14th, 2006, 9:37 am

Ginabobina1969 wrote:I DO want to look better. I would be lying if I said otherwise.
But, I feel that I do love WHO I am...I just want my outside to match my inside. Does that make sense? I want to have the energy to be able to do all the things I feel like doing. Basically, I want to be free of this prison I call my body.

That makes total sense Gina. Of course we want to look good. I know I want to look good too! I can't wait to get into a size 10-12 and KNOW that I beat this addiction to food! Yeah!!! I just had to take a long hard look at WHY I got in this shape to begin with. For me, I always got my sense of value from what others thought of me. So I worked HARD at being someone others would look up to. I was once an average singer and worked my butt off at it, even took up guitar, until I could confidently stand with anyone on Americal Idol and know that I could give them a run for their money. I studied my bible, not so much to get closer to God (wow this is a big confession for me) but because I wanted to be able to "offer wisdom" to others. I was very active in church because I wanted others to see me in the light that I desperately needed to see myself in, for myself. Finally, I got one of those "AH-HA" moments. It doesn't matter if people think I am the best musician and theologian on earth, if I don't see myself the way I should. So, I still care what people think of me, but now I am more concerned with what I think of me. If I'm happy with me, then I can break this addiction (with God's help) and actually BE the person I want others to see. SO, I said all of that to say, I want to look good as much as anyone here, but it's no longer the main reason (or only reason) for taking these steps toward health!

You all are great to indulge me and I'm happy if this helps even ONE person like it's helped me :)
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Postby ljm498 » February 14th, 2006, 10:40 am

Joyce, beautifully put! You're absolutely right that if we don't look at the inside of our head and find out how we got to such an unhealthy place, we're going to be in trouble keeping the weight off in the long run. It's so important to realize that just because we are healthier and thinner, our lives will still pretty much be the same. We're not going to turn into celebrities, get rich, be loved by millions etc. It WILL change our lives for the better as far as health goes. And needless to say, looking better will certainly change how we feel about ourselves to some degree. But honestly, I'm thin now, only 10lbs or so left till goal and I STILL walk around in the same head of the person who was 214.5 just a year ago. That's frightening to me. I do plan on seeing a therapist who specializes in eating behavior and all that centers around it. The good Lord knows I need help with poor self image as well.

Great post Joyce! It really gives us something to think about!

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Postby stelar » February 14th, 2006, 1:10 pm

:rose: I love you!! :rose: You are so RIGHT! Thx man!

Shakin' it!
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Postby 2BHealthy » February 19th, 2006, 8:17 pm

Thank you for that post Joyce. Many, many of us struggle with self esteem issues that's for sure. I just know that I can see the beauty in all of you here and I haven't even seen your physical self. I am very thankful for the support of this board!
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Postby big ron » February 19th, 2006, 10:00 pm

beautiful words so profound. Thanks :bighug:
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