Yesterday was a Rough Day!!

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Yesterday was a Rough Day!!

Postby blakeneyp » February 26th, 2005, 8:05 am

Yesterday was a horrible day, I some how managed to let myself get off of the diet. I would not call it a binge but it was pretty close, I ate things that were not even close to the diet. I lied awake all night beating myself up, :x thinking how could I do this. I mean I have been on the diet since Feb. 14 and have not cheated once until yesterday. I woke up this morning beating myself up again, so I came to the computer for support, as I am drinking my vanilla shake ( I love the Vanilla).

I guess that I got discouraged after I weighed myself yesterday and I have only had a 4lb loss since starting the program. But I am back on track to continue to lose the 40-50 lbs that I need to lose.

Sorry to bore ya'll with my story, I really needed to vent, I didn't even tell my husband about my day, as he is so proud of me to be following the diet this long. I am so glad I found this forum and MF.

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Postby jene115 » February 26th, 2005, 8:15 am

Blakeney, one thing I have learned during my weight loss journey is that it does no good to feel guilty or bad about cheating. It's in the past. Just resolve to get right back on track and don't look back. What's done is done, you can't change it.

I have had nothing but bumps on the road on my path to being totally compliant. I had a breakthrough yesterday, and I mean a huge one and today is it.

Don't look back, you did it, it's done. Enjoy that vanilla shake, have another and another. Put one foot in front of the other and you'll be just fine. Remember no one is perfect and this will merely be a blip on the radar screen once you reach your goal.

Look forward!
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Postby Triskets » February 26th, 2005, 8:27 am

Blackeney -

First off, STOP beating yourself up. Secondly, you are not boring us with your story and thirdly, vent all you want! It's what the SUPPORT forum is all about - most of us have vented a time or two.

Like Jene said "It's in the past. Just resolve to get right back on track and don't look back." Good advice.

I too ate a meal off plan last night. It tasted ok but this morning my gut really hurts - I will remember that the next time I am tempted. I will NOT and HAVE NOT beat myself up about it - I made the conscious decision to eat the food.

So hang in there girlfriend - this IS a process and hopefully, we are learning from our mistakes right?

Happy Shakin and we'll see you in Roll Call Sunday morning!
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Postby Karen » February 26th, 2005, 9:41 am

This weight problem thing has so much in common with any 12 step program. You have admitted what you've done, you are back on track. Stay focused and just do it .... one day at a time, one meal at a time, one hour at a time if that is what it takes. This plan is doable. I have been here 3 months, I didn't have too much problems at first...but now, I have some days that aren't easy (and some that are). But I do a lot of self talk and get really psyched up... even if it is just for an hour. My problem is not that I get hungry... I just want to eat. I tell myself I CAN eat. Wait one hour, if I still want something, I will have a shake. I make it extra good, taking time to use the blender, ice, DaVinci syrups, etc so that it is like a treat. It gets me thru that hour. I pay attention to what I am learning about myself. Learning patience. (never my strong suit) Learning to savour flavour. Learning to put myself first. Learning to make good choices, good decisions and to pat myself on the back when I do. Hang in there with us, we WILL get to goal. Even if that goal is just to pass up this bite of something for now and to have a shake in one hour, then make another goal.
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Postby scrabbler7 » February 26th, 2005, 10:41 am

Blackney - Everyone has given you such good advice. I agree with them all! And this is the place for you to get it all out of your system and put your resolve down in writing.

I understand the frustration of wanting the weight to come off more quickly than it is right now. But you CANNOT let your mind settle on that. Everyone loses at a different rate -- and any week that the scale isn't going on an upward climb is a VICTORY!!!

I too have had many moments where my mind tries to sabotage my resolve to become a healthier me. The things it tries to get me to eat are amazing - and mostly center around the fact that the weight isn't dropping off of me pounds at a time. Well DUH -- I certainly didn't put on these 40 pounds overnite now did I. Or I get the little voice saying - you lost it quicker on X diet or on Y diet and those diets let you eat more. Oh believe me, this brain of mine has tried EVERYTHING. But so far, 6 weeks in; I haven't succumbed to that dang little (albiet very convincing) voice. And every day of those six weeks shows me a bit stronger.

So as the others are saying - take it one day, one hour, one shake at a time -- however you need to do it to just get through the moment. And when all else fails - log on and TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE. :puter: Keeps the little paws busy anyways!

Remember there are many many many people here to help you through the rough days -- and on your good days; you will be the one helping others through the rough ones. What a team we are!

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Postby kassilou » February 26th, 2005, 10:57 pm


Remember that we are all here for ya! We each have our good days and our not so good days. Come here, talk about what's going on, vent, or complain as needed. Someone will understand, and if needed, someone will give you a swift kick in the pants! :mrgreen:

No matter what happens, get back on the program ASAP. Don't ever give up just cuz you "bobble the ball". :dooh: Try to figure out what triggers a bobble, then take steps to avoid those situations. You have to forgive yourself, then forget about it and move on.
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Postby smartiegrrl » February 26th, 2005, 11:07 pm

Blackney -

Same happened to me earlier in the week (we'll call it the fried chicken incident), but I forgave myself and moved on and kept on plan. I still managed to come out 1lb ahead. Its not worth it to beat yourself up about it. Its in the past and you have the future to look towards. The past you can't change, but the future is always in your hands! :D

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Thanks for your support...

Postby blakeneyp » February 27th, 2005, 7:50 am

You guys are wonderful, thank you so much for the support and encouragment. :-P I am so thankful I found this forum and MF. After that bad day (Friday) I was not feeling to well -eating that food made me sick to my stomach, so hopefully I will remember that in the future and that will deture me from wanting bad foods. I had a good day Saturday and hopefully today will be even better.

Again, thanks to everyone that showed support when I was down. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and loses a bunch of weight.

Happy Shakin
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