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Oh Yes

Postby Kido » February 25th, 2006, 8:02 am

I am sitting here in my size 14 pants. :woohoo: You betch your bootie they are tight, but I got them on and zipped. I am going to sit in them for awhile just to enjoy. Ummmm...... that won't be long becuase they are squeezing my stomach a bit :shock:

I was kind of discouraged with the weight loss this week, but not anymore.
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Postby smartipantz » February 25th, 2006, 8:08 am

Hehehehe!!! What an accomplishment Kido.

Just wait until they are too big and you get to put on those nice size 12's !!!!!! Congratulations! That's awesome!
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Postby Patti » February 25th, 2006, 8:15 am

:yes: I did the same thing when I was "transitioning" into a smaller size jeans. I was fine as long as I was standing up, but sitting was not very pleasant.

Those 14's will be baggy in no time.

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Postby falisamarie » February 25th, 2006, 8:30 am

ALright Kido!! :yourock: Last Sunday I was abled to get my size 18 jean shorts on but yeah a wee bit snug. I wore them a while then put them away and will try again in about 15lbs. It feels so good to get into those "new" old clothes again.


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Postby Kido » February 25th, 2006, 8:32 am

I surely didn't hang them up in the skinny closet. They are my next goal to accomplish. I didn't try anything else on from the skinny closet, I didn't want to jinx myself. :lol:
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Postby SueInSLO » February 25th, 2006, 8:36 am

Great job Kido!!


Doing the happy dance with you!!

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Postby missjessie » February 25th, 2006, 12:29 pm


I cant wait to get started next weekend and be able to share my progress with you all. :D

Just think how happy you will be when those pants are too big!

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Postby Nancy » February 25th, 2006, 1:02 pm

Kido ~

That's very cool! I'm happy to know that you have your eye on that Skinny Clothes Closet, too! It's waiting for you and you will soon be digging around in there more and more.

Whatcha gotta do is as soon as things get baggy, DUMP 'EM! Do not keep them - it is too easy to grow back into them. If your mindset is this: there are no options, there will not be any and you'll stay in your smaller clothes!

I used to have to lie down on the floor and have my husband zip up my jeans with a pair of pliars...lemme tell ya, THAT is humiliating and it makes your stomach REALLY hurt...then when ya have to go to the potty it takes three men and a dog to pull 'em down....
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