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Yep I'm a newbie too!

Postby kimmy71 » April 4th, 2005, 10:07 am

Hi All. I am so glad that I found this board. I just ordered MF last night so I havent started yet but I cant wait for it to get here. I am a military transplant here is Tacoma, WA. We have been here since the end of December. I am a 33 year old married mother of 2 beautiful children, ages 2 and 8. At the beginning of last year, I began Weight watchers and had lost 25 pounds by summertime. Low and behold, after a visit from hurricane Charley and moving from Florida, I have gained it all back...woo hooo!!! I am tired and really need to get off this crazy rollercoaster. I want to enjoy all the beauty that WA has to offer but my body just wont do it. Here's to a new start and finally deciding to reach my goals!
Start Date: April 7, 2005

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Postby tumbleweed » April 4th, 2005, 10:27 am

Hello! Welcome! You will be thrilled when the pounds start rolling off after you start mf. Yes Wa is beautiful, I spent some time there and I loved it, I hope you get everything out of your time there that you of luck :D
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Postby doglover » April 4th, 2005, 10:33 am

Welcome Kimmy :byebye:
I am so happy you decided to come here, especially BEFORE you start as it will help get you off to a great start! Let us know how you are doing!

Happy Shakin' :exercise:
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Postby bikipatra » April 4th, 2005, 10:56 am

Gee whilikers, I am 33 and started out at 134! We are very similar! Good Luck and welcome! I am new too :)
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Postby Dean0408 » April 4th, 2005, 11:01 am

Hi Kimmy.......welcome to the board!!

Long ago, I was staioned at Ft. Lewis just prior to a tour in Viet Nam. I know how green and beautiful it is there..........but man, did it ever RAIN a lot!! I loved the lushness..........and the view of Mt. Rainier......but HATED the rain.

If you are committed to losing weight and keeping it off........then this is the place to be......Medifast has been working for both my wife and I. This is the first time I have ever tried a diet plan (or needed to), but my wife has tried them all..........and this one is by far the most effective.

Be sure to read the "Lean Cuisine" threads............lost of great tips for making your meals taste even better and ways to make them interesting and varied. You will also find info on DaVinci syrup........which can be used in all sorts of ways with the Medifast shakes, puddings, etc. I love that stuff.......(Examples: Vanilla shake plus orange syrup equals a shake that tastes like a Creamsickle. Chocolate shake plus Peanut Butter syrup equals a shake that tastes like a peanut butter cup) The possibilities are endless!

I hope to see you post often........and.....once again....WELCOME!

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Postby kimmy71 » April 4th, 2005, 12:13 pm

Thank you all so much for the great welcome :D I sure hope my order gets here quickly.
Start Date: April 7, 2005

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Postby dlr2424 » April 4th, 2005, 4:39 pm

Kimmy...Welcome.....I'm so glad you joined us and that you found this forum before starting the'll be amazed at the support you will best to you on this journey we all share together.... :D

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Welcome Welcome

Postby LilMsTexas » April 4th, 2005, 4:48 pm

Welcome Welcome Kimmy!! I am the biggggggggggggggggg warner of headaches!! Oh my gosh I thought I was going to DIE! Take care of your headaches IF they come........for some people it doesn't happen at all. BUT.........if you sense one coming on then NIP IT IN THE BUD!!! Don't wait.......don't think "oh this is no biggy" and then let it get really bad. Eat some celery with some salt, pickles, the posts for really good ideas on this. I don't know what type of withdrawals you'll have from all the CRUD you've most likely been feeding your body but mine rebelled with a VENGENCE!! Best of luck to you and as always you can catch me here or send a PM whenever you need/want to!
CHEERS and best of luck!! :D
Last edited by LilMsTexas on April 4th, 2005, 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby scrabbler7 » April 4th, 2005, 4:51 pm

Hello Kimmy - I wanted to also put my welcome's in there with the rest of the forum. Good luck to you -- stay focused; read often; and make sure you make the Sunday roll call a part of your weekly routine!
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Postby want2Bthin » April 4th, 2005, 6:36 pm

Just wanted to extend a warm welcome also. Starting this journey is the best thing any of us could have done for ourselves. In no time at all you will feel great.

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Welcome, Kimmy!

Postby LessOfMe » April 4th, 2005, 7:45 pm

Congratulations, Kimmy! You will be so happy you decided to try Medifast. I will have been on the program for two weeks this coming Wednesday and I've already lost 14.5 lbs. and it hasn't been that difficult to follow. I have experienced a little hunger, but usually that is the result of my not drinking enough water. I can't stress enough the importance of the water. Drink, drink! And, the numerous trips to the ladies' room WILL subside. I've enjoyed this message board and it is a great support system. When I'm tempted and negative thinking creeps in, I have found that viewing the before and after pictures of those who have been on Medifast is all I need. The recipe section is great, too! :water:

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