
Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby star85 » January 16th, 2004, 10:44 am

Hey Gang!
Just wanted to update you, I started back on the medifast program on 1/14/04. The first time I started on 1/01/04, I was still getting used to the diet, did not prepare myself mentally, did not know what to expect, and was not using the support forum to the best of my ability, so I cheated. This time I made sure I was mentally prepared to do this and wrote down all the reasons why I want to do this. I refer back to that list when I get a little weak. I also learned to use ALL my support systems to the best of my ability and I started putting myself first in order to accomplish my goal. I realized if I did not start putting myself first I would not be the best I can be for my children, husband and friends. I realized that making this sacrifice for a short while will make me a better person in the long run. For myself , family and friends. I know if I'm not truly happy with myself, that it will show through and radiate to all my family and friends and I really don't want that. I want to be a role model for my gorgeous, intelligent sons and have plenty of energy for them. I want them to see me truly happy with the confidence that I used to have because I know all that good stuff will rub off on them. I had a tremendously difficult and extremely stressfull past 2 1/2 years. I dealt with it and got through it with food, but that time in my life is over now and it's time to make the neccessary changes to progress and move on. "Press on and press through!!!" To tell you the truth when I look in the mirror, I don't see the real me anymore. I guess it got swollowed up underneath the fat when I didn't have time to look! (hee,hee) Anyway I got on the scale this morning, and as you all read before, I put the same lite sweat outfit on just for weigh-ins ,so there's no fluctuations due to different clothes (clothes can cause 3-5lb. fluctuations depending on what you're wearing at the time ) and I was 217.5! And that's before starting my 3rd day! Yeaaah!! I figured out what the tweeks for ME were in the program. I figured out what works for ME PERSONALLY and when I didn't cheat anymore it worked! ( for me it was the soups and chili did not make me feel satisfied so now I stick with the shakes and I don't do the modified plan because the 1 meal a day just left me wanting more real food so then I would cheat) Sticking to 4 shakes a day and a bar at night as my treat helps me stay on plan. Also knowing I can have that extra shake if I need it helps relax me so that I don't have the urge to cheat. Last night after getting over the "rye toast" incident I actaully ended up going to bed without wanting my extra shake! I couldn't believe it ! Anyway this is just how I personally got the kinks out and made the plan work for me. Everyone is different and has to find what works best for them. I guess what I'm trying to say is, " make the program work for you and then fly with it!" It took me almost 2 weeks to do it, but hey, I did it! Thanks again all for listening. I truly appreciate each and everyone of you in this support forum. I've noticed each one of you contributes something special to this forum and combined there's no stopping us! Keep up the great work everyone. Gotta go ... I'm past due for my next shake! God bless.

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Postby Jeanette » January 16th, 2004, 10:51 am

SEE? As time goes on, it gets easier and conquer things one item at a time. Pretty soon, you'll be exactly where you want to be!

Great job! :cheer:
Jeanette :star:
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Postby finalstraw » January 17th, 2004, 2:18 pm

Thank you for sharing, it does help all of us. Keep finding your motivation and as you do, share so that we might all find motivation in each other.


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