yay for NSV!!!

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yay for NSV!!!

Postby rayray » August 5th, 2006, 9:36 am

Ok so I haven't posted as much as i would like to but i have a few funny NSV's to share today!!!

The other day i went and sat on my husbands lap and he looks at me and he says "Its not uncomfortable when you sit on me anymore" at first I wanted to smack him, but it was a compliment in a underhanded way and then i just started to giggle!

Then today, my cousin and I went thru a bunch of clothes that a friend of mine gave me, I willingly take handout of small clothes so I dont have to constantly buy stuff that fits, and there was a pair of 13/14 express dress pants in there, mind you I have never shopped at express because it would have never fit. So i laid on my bed and sucked in and I got the damn things buttoned!!!!!! I was so excited that I went to show Jenn while she was in the shower! I probably wont be able to where them for another 10 pounds but still~!~

Then I work at Father Flanagans Girls and Boys town, and we work some pretty difficult kids, and typically when they go noncompliant or what not i get called fat and other names like that. Well we got a girl that had been there about a year ago or so when I first started. She was always very loud and out spokedn. Me and Lisa (my supervisor) were very excited to see her. well the girl loooked at me and then lisa and said " Mrs. Rachel you've lost a lot of weight, it looks like Mrs.Lisa found it!'" I almost fell out. Lisa isn't big by any means, but working at GBT you tend to gain a lot of weight since we eat with the kids and there is always food. Poor lisa is gonna have a complex, she is only a size 12, but the last time the kid saw us i was a 22 and am now a size 15 and lisa was an 8.

I am so thank ful for little moments like those because they help me to continue onward! hope you guys are having a good week!!!
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Postby JKSRN » August 5th, 2006, 10:58 am

Out of the mouths of babes, huh,as they say? You have really done wonderful, Rachel, good for you! Congratulations!!! :D
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Postby Blessedmommieof3 » August 5th, 2006, 1:18 pm

You've got me rolling at poor Mrs. Lisa's expense. Oh...children! To be that young a free again...

CONGRATS on your many victories! Such an inspiration. :D

You jeans story reminded me of my own funny jeans story. My DH is 5' even (I'm 5'5") and has always been smaller than me around the waist too. When I was on WWers a few years ago and finally got to my goal of 140, I was getting dressed one day and grabbed a pair of pants out of my closet and put them on - they fit perfectly, except they were capris & not my capris! DH had actually put the laundry away & put his jeans in my closet - so they fit me around the waist (YAY) but were WAY too short! ;)
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Postby TonyR » August 5th, 2006, 1:41 pm

Start 5/1/06
Goal 3/1/07
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Postby Arklahoma » August 5th, 2006, 5:43 pm

Great NSV!!!
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Postby Drama Queen » August 5th, 2006, 7:28 pm

What great NSV's!! You are doing awesome!!!
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