Hi folks,
I just wanted to check in and post a message. I have officially finished my 3rd full week on Medifast and I feel fabulous. I think the positive vibe that I'm feeling isn't just physical. Medifast has made me feel incredibly strong emotionally...and the scale proves the success I feel inside. I have now lost a total of 17 lbs., and 116 to go!
The amazing thing about the past 3 weeks is that I have not strayed from the program. I am teacher and have to bypass temptation daily between school breakfast (FRENCH TOAST), lunch (WEINER WRAPS), and a staff lounge filled with chocolates, brownies, Doritos, and Fritos galore. I have stayed on the straight and narrow and have kept up with the program. I've even had a few other teacher look at me with a tad bit of envy as I haven't caved into temptation as they snarf down their third or fourth brownie!!! In response to others asking why I don't sample the snacks, I politely reply: "I'm avoiding all temptation as long as I carry a backside for two!"
So....here's to the rest of you. Hang in there....we'll get this done and thanks for all your encouraging words. Best to all of you.
The Diva en route to unload that super-sized backside