Xmas to New Year's - Torture Week

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Xmas to New Year's - Torture Week

Postby Nite Izes » December 29th, 2004, 11:20 am

So there I was, Christmas Eve dinner and since the morning I planned out my day to not "fall off the wagon". I had my Medifast, drank all my water and set aside the amount of calories, carbs and zero transfat food portion and intake at the family gathering at the table.

I don't know about you, but seeing all that food on the table for the first time in my life envision it as a Medievil food feast. I carefully went for the nicely sliced turkey breast "one please" and some corn. Can you imagine that was enough for me? During the day, as I said before, I drank my Medifast and required water intake (plus more ok a load of water), exercise on my Gazelle and kept busy so the food was not occupying my mind although the smell of the cooking preparation traveled to my 2nd floor bedroom. I did not feel hungry and in a good mood. I realized that it is best, not to deprive yourself of desire, but take into consideration that it is proper food portion and your will power to control any craving you have. This time there was no nibbling afterwards or walking casually into the pantry. I made that my #1 priority in order to show myself, it is not needed. I woke up the next day refresh and since being back on track, I am losing weight again and feeling good about it.

New Year's Eve is a huge event in our family home and just like Christmas, I will not fall hostage as a victim to nibbles here and there. I have a priority and it is to lose weight in order to improve my health and have a better lifestyle. Medifast has help me alot along the way this year and I noticed it is my part to maintain the regime that comes with it meaning exercising and sticking to the plan without detours. I want to hit my 2nd goal soon since I am "almost there". Wishing everyone the best in their journey to weight loss.
start date: 3/27/04
BMI=55.4 New BMI= 38.0
WT Loss= -95/-77
√ 1st goal= 250 BMI= 45.7
√ 2nd goal=219 BMI= 39.9
3rd goal = 191 BMI= 34.9
4th goal = 163 BMI= 29.8
5th goal = 140 BMI= 25.6
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Nite Izes
Preferred Member - 70# Club
Posts: 125
Joined: March 24th, 2004, 10:19 am
Location: NY

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