my xmas gift to me

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my xmas gift to me

Postby izabelle » September 7th, 2004, 5:44 pm

I said in the beginning of this that I would not set goal dates and just take what I lose day by day. However, after reading posts of goals, achievements, and daily trials, I find a goal would help keep me in line and give me something bigger (or smaller) to look forward to.

So here goes... :coach: 40 BY CHRISTMAS!!!

This would leave me with another 25 to lose!!!!! And what better gift could I ask for?! That last 25 will be a B'day gift to myself in March...along with a HUGE shopping spree and my first belly button ring to "accentuate" the new waistline. hehe

Anyone else want in on the gift giving???
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xmas gift to myself

Postby susan » September 7th, 2004, 6:03 pm

I am starting again wed.the7 of sept.and I thank the xmas gift is a fine Idea I have 40# to go plus the 7 Igained backwhile off the program so I will race you to xmas for the 40# loss maybe it will be easier for me to hang in there this time.I had took off 60# before I messed up I don,t know what got into me I started cheating and this is what happens when you cheat and the hardest thing I ever done to get back on so tommorrow is d day I am starting again and I have asked my husband for help and told him not to offer me anything that he is snacking here goes sept.the 7th. wed.morn.susan
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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Postby Landylue » September 7th, 2004, 6:18 pm

A bellybutton ring?!? OUCH!!! But, I do think they are cute on the right tummies.

I think my gift to myself at Christmas will be another trip with my daughter. She wants to go to Greece, but I'm holding out for a walking tour of Scotland. She's buying her first house in November, so we may just settle for a nice Greek dinner out somewhere locally, and divide a small Scottish scone for dessert.

Anyway, the best of luck to you on your goals. Setting goals does help tremendously in getting where you want to be. Who was it that said, "Show me a stockboy with goals, and I'll show you a future vice president. Show me a stockboy without goals, and I'll show you a future stockboy."

So, set those goals, write them down, post them where you can see them, and read them out loud everyday. You'll be well on your way to earning that bellybutton ring!

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Postby Nancy » September 7th, 2004, 10:10 pm

Izabelle ~

Well, good for you! Susan has already taken you up and wants to match your goal.

Landy, yes - it is important to set a goal - if you don't, you never know where your heading and for Foodies without a goal, we usually head for the kitchen cupboards, our buns head outward and then the scales head upward... :oops: Argh!

Susan, I did enjoy talking to you tonight about your recent experience at your husband's High School reunion. Now we are saying "Yippy Skippy! Susan is back!" and we are happy that this is a reunion of sorts for you as you have rejoined the MakeMeThinner Forum of Friends.

Wednesday, September 8th is THE DAY that Susan gets her rear in gear and shakes those 47 pounds off for good!

No turning back now, Izablle and Susan - we've got our eyes on you!

Shake, shake, shake your bootie!
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Postby izabelle » September 7th, 2004, 11:04 pm

Ok Susan, TAG! Your it. Catch me if you can. lol

Looking forward to the race and the enjoyment of having someone with the same goal. Ladies...start those fat burnin engines! :twisted:

Thanks Landy and Nancy..I am sure you will be keeping check and that is exactly what I need. Kind of like having a weight loss MOTHER to answer to. Although in the end it is me I have to face. :roll:

Can't wait to put myself under the tree! tee-hee
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Postby Nancy » September 8th, 2004, 6:48 am

Yeah, well, Izabelle, there are a lot of Mothers out here and we are HOT!
You are going to do it this time, Izabelle. Susan, so are you!

No more excuses. Medifasting is your job now, Folks.

Make your list of all the reasons WHY you want to lose that flabbage.

Pick your start date.
Just do it.

Every day - every single boring day - day in - day out. Do it. Because you are worth it! Do it. Because YOU CAN!

You have the most excellent products.

You have the most excellent MakeMeThinner Forum of Friends standing by you.

You have the Awesome Leopard Woman who has already gone on before you!

:coach: Go - go - go! Shake - shake - shake! :hug: Kiss the flab :wave: buh bye 4 ever!
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Postby MomJackieLee » September 8th, 2004, 2:26 pm

Wow, I just added it up and if I could loose 40 by xmas, that would be 75 POUNDS GONE. That would be a magnificient Christmas gift for me (& for hubby :boing: he he!!)

Let's make it a race, ya'll. I'm in for the next 3 1/2 months!!! Then I'm gonna race on into those after holiday clothing sales. Merry Christmas to me...
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Ok Iseabelle and momjackie lee your both on

Postby susan » September 8th, 2004, 7:28 pm

hey girls,
I made it thru the and i am doing ok .just think where we can be by xmas I can;t hardly wait cause I am going down down the road to thinville so load on cause were on our way.
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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Postby Unca_Tim » September 8th, 2004, 7:30 pm

Welcome Izabelle and welcome back Susan,
It's gonna be a very merry christmas this year.
Keep us posted,
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Postby Lois » September 9th, 2004, 8:12 am

Hi everyone,

I should be close to or at my goal by Christmas 8) What a Christmas gift THAT will be! And what a wonderful way to start the New Year!

hugs and GOOD LUCK to all,

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Postby MomJackieLee » September 9th, 2004, 12:35 pm

Hi Susan. Thanks for the daily report. I have had a great day too!!!

Isabelle, Landylue and Lois...Keep it going. :exercise:
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Postby izabelle » September 9th, 2004, 7:27 pm

Checkin in...going great here except for today...I had to have an extra small salad. Ugh!! Had to make a bunch of lunch goodies for the family and couldn't take it anymore! Was just a small tee-tiny one so I don't feel all that bad. Just need to be better tomorrow and not cry over spilled lettuce. Will be weighing in on regular day Monday so will let ya know the results.
Welcome aboard fellow elvers!!

Shake your bad selves!! :twisted:
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Postby susan » September 11th, 2004, 6:43 pm

hi, Isabelle & momajackielee,
I have made it for 4 days and doing ok just a little shakie but on the way to thinville .I have finally made it pass the dreaded 3 days and I can make it now. so the race is on keep shaking, :goteam: susan
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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Postby Nancy » September 11th, 2004, 8:29 pm


A small salad will not harm your plan at all. Personally, I think full fasters do well to have a small salad every few days to keep the stomach active and the, the, well, :shock: the bowels moving right along, if you get my drift! ;)
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Postby Nancy » September 11th, 2004, 8:31 pm

Susan ~

Woo Hoo! :cleader: 4 days in a Medifast Row!

If you are shakey, have a Fast Soup or a cup of bouillon!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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