Xanax and Medifast

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Xanax and Medifast

Postby justaguest » May 11th, 2007, 8:00 am

Does anyone know if Xanax will make you gain weight or has anyone used it while on Medifast. I'd like to know your experiences.
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Postby bikipatra » May 11th, 2007, 8:04 am

Benzos are not normally know to cause weight gain. I take Klonopin daily and Ativan as needed and I do not believe they have hindered my weight loss.
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Postby Mike » May 11th, 2007, 8:43 am

bikipatra wrote:... and I do not believe they have hindered my weight loss.

No hindrance noted that I can tell. ;)
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Postby VTGirlie » May 11th, 2007, 10:47 am

I don't think they should affect you, although I'm thinking that if you are taking it for anxiety you may find out that you are an emotional eater! :) Antidepressants seem to have more of an effect on weight loss...
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Postby justaguest » May 11th, 2007, 11:45 am

Thanks for the info.

Okay...can anyone tell me if you've had more succes with mostly shakes, or using the other meals, or what. I have heard that sometimes people do better with more shakes and few other things.
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Postby Mike » May 11th, 2007, 11:49 am

Shakes use soy, which is a natural appetite suppressor amongst other things. Other than that, whatever helps you stay on program is the best thing.
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