wow I have a question already

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wow I have a question already

Postby missjessie » January 7th, 2007, 9:14 pm

I am getting my order ready and I want to make sure I am doing this correctly. I can not order a starter kit because I am way too picky LOL. So I am picking items items out. i want to make sure I order enough for a month.
Would this schedule be correct or am I all wrong?? Also I see eggs on here this must be fairly new any comments on this yet? Also how do I figure in the soy chips and pudding are these meals per say?

ok I want to do the 5 and 1 plan.

so I could do something like this correct

8am eggs or oatmeal ( I love this variety thing LOL)

10am shake

12noon shake

2pm soup

4pm shake

6pm lean and green

8pm free type snack (any suggestions this is my normal witching hour)

ok I am gonna wait till I hear back from you all before I order

Thanks :D
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Postby TonyR » January 7th, 2007, 9:35 pm

You need to order at least 20 boxes of food for a month, and in the boxes are 7 packets each. Your schedule looks fine, but the pudding is considered a meal, and you also can have 1 snack per day so that is the soy crisps. Each meal is 100 calories and the snack is to be only 50 calories so really you can do the 5 and 1 plus 1 snack! :D
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Postby bikipatra » January 7th, 2007, 11:19 pm

There are plenty of reviews already on the eggs on the Medifast product board...
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Postby Mike » January 7th, 2007, 11:25 pm

The eggs are great.
Your schedule looks okay, just remember you can switch things around (and like Tony said, the pudding is a meal). You can space meals 2-3 hours but not longer than 4 between them.
I also try to order 22 boxes to make sure that I don't run out. If its a 31 day month, 22 is just right. (31 x 5 = 155÷7 = 22.1)

Stick with the plan and yo will do great. Check the forum for lots of suggestions. :mrgreen:
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