is it worth it?

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is it worth it?

Postby iwontplaythefoolnemore » July 25th, 2006, 3:34 pm

I've been on Medifast since late January and have lost 90 lbs. I like it because it's convenient, and I am also very proud of my results.

However, I've noticed that I am beginning to lose hair. My hair is thinning on the sides of my head near the temples. You can only tell if I pull my hair back in a medium to high ponytail. I've read through the forums. So, I know hair loss happens sometimes with extreme weightloss. I am on the 5 and 1 plan. I also take flax seed oil gel capsules and biotin everyday. I've been taking them for at least 2-3 months.

I really don't want to quit the program especially since I've come so far, but I'm afraid of what my hair will look like by the time I'm done. I know it will grow back, but it's scary when strands come out. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
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Postby Rachel » July 25th, 2006, 3:51 pm

I've heard extra vitamin B and zinc helps. i just take a multivitamin. do not panic about your hair. it will be fine. you'll reach your goal before you know it and your hair will look great too!
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Postby Diana » July 25th, 2006, 6:20 pm

...and biotin and flax seed oil.
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Postby Nancy » July 25th, 2006, 6:30 pm

Hi there, Crys ~

Wowee for you and your weight loss success!
Thinnines looks great on you! Soon you will reach the century of pounds loss!

I have had several inquiries recently regarding hair loss.

Since we’re losing weight, feeling great, enjoying the simplicity of the program and the ease of meal preparation (what could be easier than ripping off the top of a packet, add some water and mix it up!) we’re no longer pulling out our hair trying to figure out what to eat, eh? So why does this hair loss happen and how come not every one experiences it?

I wish I had a definitive answer for you. Not every one has hair loss.

In fact, I have taken an independent study (TOTALLY unscientific, merely my observations over the four years that I’ve used Medifast), and noticed that some men who were follicularly challenged prior to Medifast actually seem to have more hair than before they started the program. Who knows, maybe it is because their head is thinner and smaller, giving the allusion of having thicker hair! I have observed that some people have richer color and their hair seems shinier and healthier than ever before.

I do not mean to make light of your inquiry; it is freaky to have a nest of hair in the bathroom sink or observe it drifting from your crown to your collar. It will return once your weight stabilizes and more fat is added to your diet. As fat is metabolized, a lot of things are happening in our body, including hormonal imbalances. Think about how hormonal levels in pregnant women affect their hair growth. Many have strong nails and luxurious hair during pregnancy (and pre-natal vitamin use!) and then post-partum, their hair begins to fall out and their nails break.

Weight loss can affect hair growth.

Like you, my hair loss was along my temples and forehead. Dang! I was hoping it would be on my upper lip…I was so pleased with the flabloss that the hair loss was not that big a deal for me. I experienced hair thinning and hair loss on other weight loss programs and I knew it would thicken up once I started adding back some more fat to my meal plan. I was willing to wear scarves and hats if it meant that I would reach my goal weight. Not every one is in that same place mentally like I was.

I liked having furless forearms! The eyebrows were still like black caterpillars…

When a person is losing weight, it puts stress on the body and hair replacement slows down – the body conserves energy and this is one way the body does it; it fails to sprout new fur. We shed hair some hair on a daily basis - anywhere from 45-100 or more hairs per day and when things are going groovy, the hairs are regularly replaced. It is not a sign of danger and we need not be alarmed when we see fur in the shower drain. Our body is designed to respond this way. Coupled with the low fat intake, the hair follicles go into a resting stage. They will wake up!

You are doing things that are helpful – biotin and flaxseed capsules are good choices. Typically, vitamin supplements do not work overnight but consistent use over time shows results. As is your experience, I had been on the program for 6 months when I began to take supplements. I took (and still do take them) one capsule of Oil of Evening Primrose and an Omega 3 Fish Oil capsule daily. You’ve been on the program for several months now and it may take several months of using the biotin and flaxseed to develop its fullest potential.

I personally do not feel that things we add to our hair topically such as gels, mousse, lotions are of much value. The hair that hangs down is dead and when we add solutions to the hair or spray on things, we may coat the hair shaft making it feel thicker or plump up/raise the cuticle to make the hair look or feel stronger but it is not like fertilizer that works systemically. Taking things internally like vitamin supplements will affect the hair below the surface at the follicle level and feed the living part of our hair and enhance it but I don’t think that what we spray on or rub in will make a significant difference. (Yup, I know that Rogaine and similar products are applied topically to the scalp and have shown to help some people with thinning hair caused by heredity or hormone fluctuations. It is absorbed and may enlarge the follicles; it takes four or more months for the results to show and when one stops using it, the hair loss returns. What I mean when I say that using ‘topical stuff’ most likely won’t help here, I don’t think it will speed up hair re-growth. Once your weight stabilizes, your hormone levels will also stabilize and additional fats and other foods will contribute to hair re-growth.

There are physicians and hair stylists that can add their expertise here.

You do not mention the amount of biotin that you are taking. I’d suggest that you consider a fairly high dose of biotin – like 5 grams (5k mg) per day. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist so be sure to ask your doctor about what would be a reasonable dose for you. Folic acid may be beneficial as it helps the body to absorb B vitamins.

Due to a hereditary factor, my maternal Grandma and I have pernicious anemia and have low absorption of iron. I take folic acid daily to enhance the absorption of the B vitamins – you may want to ask your health care provider about the efficacy of adding folic acid to your regimen. Select vegetables high in iron and B vitamins. I try to eat some broccoli and spinach daily in my salad for the good vitamin and mineral content.

Eliminate undue tension on your hair – braiding, pony tails and hair combs, etc. may pull on it more and help it to slide out more easily.

Our program is very low in fat and some people end up not getting any additional fat because they use no salad dressing on their salads or they use just vinegar. If you use salad dressing, is it ‘no fat’ or ‘low fat’?

The 5 & 1 Program makes allowances for a range of calories and carbs even though it is rather structured. A person using tofu for their protein source and steamed green veggies will take in less fat than a person that uses a salad with low fat dressing and chicken, turkey and beef. A person using shrimp, crab, tilapia, and salmon will take in less fat than a person who has steak a few times a week and a green salad with low fat ranch dressing on the side.

You may try using a small amount of canola or olive oil on your salads or vegetables – like a teaspoon a few times a week. Sometimes the additional oil is helpful for hair loss. It is important not to upset the balance of the program and typically using a teaspoon of oil will not upset the fat burning state if you make your own vinaigrette dressing or use some ready-made salad dressing with some fat. Just don’t drench your salad in it.

Crys, again I am proud of you for your weight loss success. Keep at it; once you reach your goal weight, if you follow the BeSlim Philosophy, your hair will return and the flab will not!
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Postby alpha femme » July 25th, 2006, 7:11 pm

nancy is right about the regrowth and her suggestions are great. the key points:

do the flax seed oil; i did. it doesn't solve everything, but you only get the fats you need from your diet.

also, don't EVER put your hair in a ponytail on this diet (and really in general). the ponytail itself will cause hairloss in the front and sides. the added weight and pressure don't seem like a big deal to you, but your follicals feel the strain. this is the word of cesar, king of all hair.
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Postby Serendipity » July 25th, 2006, 7:35 pm

I've had quite alot of hair loss. I do worry and I'm sure I've gotten looks from people. I'm holding on to the fact that it will come back when I add more fat to my diet. Until then, I have it cut pretty short and use alot of stuff on it to make it look bigger. You can see in my pictures, though, it's not horrible.

One person asked me if my weight loss was my choice. It wasn't until later that I thought they might have thought I was sick because of my hair loss.....
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Postby dede4wd » July 25th, 2006, 8:41 pm

My worrying about my hair loss is less now, I know I'll still have most of my hair when I hit goal. I'm doing 6kmcg of biotin, the flax and adding olive oil to my salad...I will not let this keep me from hitting goal! I'd rather be bald than fat and unhealthy! Just kidding! What I mean is getting healthy is more important to me than just about anything else.
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Postby Nancy » July 25th, 2006, 9:23 pm

Jo, there were some people that asked me if I was "all right."

I said, what do you mean?

"Like, well you you uh, have cancer because you've lost a lot of weight and your hair is thin."

I told them I lost weight because I needed to and wanted to.

Hair is a big deal. I know that it seems like all the ads on TV and in the mags show women with gorgeous full hair, thick and shiny and no grays...

Mine is wimpy and sadly, there are grays in there among my spikes…dang!

But before I started on the program my cholesterol was high, my cheeks were fluffy and full, I had triple chins and my cheeks were plump and porky (Yup, I DID write about a double set of cheeks there because both ends were chubby!) my arteries were clogging and my feet felt like pins and needles. My feet hurt all the time and I had to wear Birkenstocks or athletic shoes all the time, my knees ached, my hip throbbed and my heart was broken. I was ashamed and I had my fill with fatness.
It was worth it to me to deal with the thinning hair to reach a healthier weight.

I cannot make the decision for others. At one time, I thought about getting a wig because my hair was getting really thin as I neared my goal weight but I knew it would come back because of my previous experiences. Not everyone experiences hair loss and not everyone who does have hair loss, experience as great a loss as I did – I was on the complete meal replacement program – I had virtually no fat in my program. Just the teensy bit in 5 shakes a day. We find that fewer people on the 5 & 1 program report major hair loss. Some of you may not be willing to hang in there like Jo and me.

As I mentioned, my Mom, my maternal grandmother and several aunties had major hair loss once they got in their 70’s so I see the writing on the wall for me regarding my future years …In ten years I probably won’t be referred to as The Silver Fox like our gorgeous Itsy Lizabette with the thinnin’ waist and the thick silver hair and I won’t look cute like Bonnie with her waist-length silver hair! Leopard Woman may become Chrome Dome someday but she will be healthy and slender!

I’ve read a few articles about how the addition of zinc to the diet may help with hair loss, too.

It is totally a personal choice. I think those of us that are on the program for longer periods notice more hair loss and yet there are many that experience no hair loss. Who knew that cookies, popcorn and loaves of toast drenched in butter, french fries and pizza were good for growing hair?
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Postby DogMa » July 25th, 2006, 9:27 pm

People on Atkins did!! I swear, I had the most fabulous hair, nails and skin when I was on that plan, with all the butter and olive oil I ate. Too bad I can't lose weight on it anymore. Sigh.

I have red meat a couple of times a week to keep my fats up. Keeps my hair healthy and my skin and nails from drying out. (And I seem to lose a bit better - and be a bit more regular - in the weeks when I have just a touch more fat.) I also take fish oil capsules every day.

Good luck!

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Postby jump4joy » July 25th, 2006, 10:51 pm

Just wanted to add my two cents here....

Last time I was on MF (three years ago), I was on the full fast (only 5 shakes a day at that time), and 5 1/2 months into my weight-loss, by hair started falling out at an alarming rate! I know how that can freak you out! :shock: I was so deep into the Medi-groove that I had a very hard time going OFF plan. I was only about ten pounds from goal, and the advice I got from my then-heath advisor was to quit. I've read Nancy's archives about this, and I'm here to tell you that if I had the chance to do it over again, I would've KEPT GOING. I only wish I'd known Nancy back then! My hair grew back BUT I lost my momentum, and never made it all the way to goal, and unfortunately gained it back.

I'm now on the 5 & 1, alternating between the complete (6 & 0), and taking all the supplements mentioned above. It took me THREE whole years to get myself back into losing mode. Now I don't care if all my hair falls out....there is no way I'm stopping this time around. STILL working hard to get deeply into the Medi-groove like Jo and others have....but I'm getting closer to it. Take my advice and don't lose your can be very hard to get back. :x

Thanks for posting all this info Nancy. You are a GEM!

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Postby sheila » July 25th, 2006, 11:37 pm

Hey Chickie! My hair hair is fallin out too. But partly because I am PULLING it out because my husband is being a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But partly because of the diet I think.
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Postby iwontplaythefoolnemore » July 26th, 2006, 4:30 pm

I currently take 1000mcg (1 pill) of Biotin a day because that's what the bottle advises. I think I will up the dosage. With the flaxseed, I take 2000 mg (2 pills).

Thanks everyone for your responses. I went as far as looking into other programs. (I know. Shame on me!) I've decided I'm going to stick it out. I honestly would be foolish not to. I love Medifast. It's perfect for me for many of the reasons Nancy stated in her post. :-) I'm just going to keep reminding myself that it could be much worse and keep my eye on the finish line. Thanks again!
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Postby SharonR » July 26th, 2006, 9:47 pm

Alright Ladies, if you are really worried about it, you can try Nioxin. Nioxin is a hair care line for thinning hair.

If you use only one thing from the line, I would suggest the Scalp Therapy Conditioner. This stimulates the scalp which encourages new hair growth. It's very refreshing and so healthy for your scalp. I say, give it a try! (it's affortable as well) :D

If you have any questions PM me!
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Postby supermom » July 26th, 2006, 9:54 pm

Sharon is right. Nioxin is great. In fact, when patients are newly diagnosed with cancer, the circle of friends group at our local cancer center gives them a care package, and one of the things in it is nioxin shampoo and conditioner. It is not PROVEN to reduce hair loss from chemo, but is helps (say patients that have had chemo in the past without using it, and then chemo using it). It also gives a nice tingly feeling. I bought some Biotin at WalMart that is 5000mcg per capsule. I have also been taking a cinnamon capsule. Supposed to help break down sugars and fats. But, when I burp, all I taste is Cinnamon!! YUCK, I know. But, I like it. I seem to have more energy!
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Postby alpha femme » July 26th, 2006, 11:49 pm

nioxin is amazing. my mother has lupus and was basically bald at one point. nioxin grew it all back. you would never know now.
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