When I was 32 and my DH Rob was 34, life had seemed to change, at least from how we knew it. At that time we had been together 16 years...10 of them married. We had just built our second home...had two children 2 & 4...both girls…. and was quite comfortable and very happy.... temporarily to be replaced with the real challenges of life...

... Challenges that would test our strength...our faith…and our marriage vows. Rob, who had always been healthy…. never overweight...never smoked…. very active and physically fit had a virus that settled in his heart.... the last 14 years have been a continual roller coaster...(and I thought I had given up roller coasters)...lol.... well the first 4 years of his illness I thought couldn't be any more challenging...

... ….that was until the next 5 years took place...

...during that time we were waiting for a new heart..

…. received a new heart...

... & then trying to cope with the many challenges it all brings about...living in & out of hospitals.... one minute dieing...the next minute surviving...over & over…like the Energizer Bunny…just keeps on ticking… needless to say it was a stressful time…and when I’m stressed I eat…. (I also ate when I was depressed…


... hungry…

…. Bored…:yawn: …. etc)…during that time I ended up in counseling…(and my counselor was a gift from God). We both needed to go to learn how to deal with a life challenging illness and still live life as well as continue to raise our girls during the extremely intense times. During my personal counseling many things were revealed…buried issues brought to the surface…most all related to weight in some way or another. I had a warped self-image. In one session my counselor asked me to name a couple of things I really liked about my personal appearance. I could not think of any…. Nothing. The following week when I came back I had come up with an answer. I realized I have always liked my Wrists & Ankles. You may find that odd….

…. I know my counselor did. However, when she asked me my reason I said…. they were the only two parts of my body that was small and have always stayed small… it now has become a joke between my girlfriend and I…

… My DH was giving me a compliment once (he thought it was a compliment). He said “gosh Donna you have the smallest ankles…how do they hold up your body”? Now I really didn’t see that as a compliment…but I did laugh. I am now 45, and realized that thru it all we have been tremendously blessed in numerous ways…

… Is that to say the health challenges are gone? Unfortunately not, however we view them differently now. I’m also learning to deal with stress differently…. and as far as the self image…that’s a work in progress…I know that God gave us all beautiful bodies…I just happened to at times decorated mine with extra flabbage…. not a pretty decoration. I am excited that for the first time in my life I will reach goal…

…. with the education and strength I drew from Medifast & the forum…

FREE of any diet aids… or surgical procedures etc. And with the continued MF support & education I can enjoy the next however many years of my life in Thinnieville…

… Now ...after this long drama of a story my point is we have to have rain showers in life to experience the rainbows…. and how about (for those that need to) start a personal exercise “What I love About Me List?” I know I need to come up with more than just my ankles and wrists.