by Carrie » April 1st, 2005, 11:18 am
My feet have shrunk too, and the funny thing is I didn't realize they'd gotten fat. (go figure, denial at its best, how can a 265 pound woman NOT have fat feet???) I used to have to get 7.5 wide width and now I have to be careful not to walk out of my sandals cause they're too loose. And NOW that I've lost some of the weight I can SEE that they were indeed pudgy little piggys, in fact there is actually DAYLIGHT to be seen between my toes!
The other things I really notice often are my face and hands - they have changed ALOT in 65 pounds, and that little indentation where your collarbone, shoulder and neck meet.....well I didn't have one for years, actually had forgotten all about it, and some time ago I was standing in front of the sink washing my hands, looked up and THERE IT WAS! Back after all these years, it was great!
I guess the more obvious changes would be the inches lost off my waist, hips and bum, but I can't see those as well as the others, <g>.
Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
1st time: 3/1/04, from 266.5 to 195.4