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Postby marcia » January 14th, 2006, 8:43 pm

I think I have screwed up. :oops: .....I've been eating Elk and using the quanitity allowed for chicken and fish. The amount because my doctor 8) said elk nutritionally and fat wise is the same as lean chicken. I just recently reread all the materials I have and browesed the forum and can't find game meat addressed anyhere. :x

Can some one help me out here :?: Is it a No No :?: If I can eat it how much can I eat :?: If I can't eat it do you know anyone who wants about 200 pound of Elk (just kidding) :?:
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Postby Jan » January 14th, 2006, 9:00 pm

Hi Marcia,
No need to part with the elk. It is perfectly fine. I don't know the nutritional information but if your Dr. said it is the same as lean chicken that's how I would count it. It stands to reason since it is a game animal that it would be lean.
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Postby ktrout » January 15th, 2006, 6:18 am

Elk, and most game meat for that matter is very lean. Animals in the wild are not the same as our precious corn-fed beef cattle. Another very lean red meat is bison/buffalo. The only thing that I would recommend is to be careful cooking it. Due to it's leanness anything more than medium rare will result in shoe leather ! Games dinners at my rod and gun club are quite an event that I look forward to returning to in the future. On my terms, of course and unlike my glutonous past. LOL !

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Postby Dayna » January 16th, 2006, 8:57 pm

From all I've heard about game meat, and elk in particular, I think you'll be just fine. After a friend of ours had a major heart attack, his doctor recommended stocking his freezer with wild game, and elk in particular.

Also, if you like beef, seek out grass-fed (forage-fed) beef. In addition to being MUCH leaner than anything you can find in the store (imagine, not having to drain the pan after cooking up the ground beef! imagine, no more magical shrinking burgers on the grill!), it is significantly higher in Omega-3 fatty acids than grain-fed beef. Also, it's a great source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is known to lower the risk of cancer, obesity (yay!), diabetes, and some immune disorders. Tastes great, and good for you! :D

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Postby Nancy » January 16th, 2006, 11:21 pm

Last fall I spoke with the Nutritionist at Medifast Diet regarding venison and she told me to go with the red meat guide - 5 ounce portion but like your comment, ktrout, game is typically very lean. Goose and bear are fatty but elk and buffalo are very lean.

I would tend to go with the 7 ounce portion myself...

Dayna, thanks for the heads-up regarding the healthful advantages of choosing alternative red meat.

Since there are a number of recent newbies let me take this moment to remind us all:

*Select lean cuts of meat
*Remove all visible fat and skin from the meat portion before cooking
*Broil, bake, grill, poach and use no added oil (You may use Pam or other such spray to prevent the meat from sticking forever to your pan and from having to dispose of your pan! Don'tcha :x hate it when it welds to the pan and becomes one with it?)

I would not advise eating jerky for the weight loss program; it is high in sodium and 1 ounce has about 100 cals.

:secret: I know, I know, there is some one famous :whip: on the Forum here that admittedly scarfs an occasional hunka beef jerky and he does lose the lard-o-la rapidly...I'm just givin' ya MY nickel's worth! ;)
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