Wish Me Luck!

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Wish Me Luck!

Postby tarley2 » October 10th, 2005, 7:26 am

Hi everyone - I'm sure you're used to these letters, but today is my first daystarting medifast! I'm at work (I'm a teacher) and just polished off my first shake in the morning. Any tips for the first few days would be appreciated....... Wish me luck! :D
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Postby christinrm » October 10th, 2005, 7:55 am

Hi! I started Medifast 2 weeks ago today! I've slipped off a couple of times, but still managed to lose 9 1/2 pounds. I find it really hard to get all 5 MF meals in. Which may be why I haven't lost more than what I have. I'm back on the wagon though today and have a goal to reach by Xmas, so there's not much room for anymore slip ups. I don't know how I'll get through Thanksgiving!!!

Just make sure that you have a MF every 2-3 hours. After the first 3 days, you won't feel hungry hardly at all, the headaches and dizziness will go away and you'll feel 100% better!

You'll do great!!!! As long as your determined, and I think the cost of this stuff will help with that! LOL You'll be at your goal weight in no time!!!

Good luck!!!!
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Postby 24KaratGold » October 10th, 2005, 7:59 am

I always recommend an Advil or some such prophylactically in the mornings of the first three days. For those who may be prone to a headache from carb/sugar withdrawal, it can be a boon.

Good luck! Stay with the program! The first three days are a pain in the donkey's behind, but after you get through those it really does get better, we promise!

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Postby Nicki » October 10th, 2005, 9:30 am

I've only been on for three weeks and the things that have helped me the most have been ...

Looking at this forum - its inspirational and keeps me focused.
Getting recipe tips from the Lean Cuisine section.
Sugar Free Torani and DaVinci syrups. They are SUPER if you want a little extra something in your shakes. They really helped me a lot the first few days.

Welcome and Good luck!

and WTG Christine - you're doing great!
started 9/19/05

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Postby MissyK » October 10th, 2005, 1:18 pm

Good luck to you, Tarley!

I haven't been able to stay on it 100%, but I've decided that's going to change as of NOW.

We can do this!
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Postby betz » October 10th, 2005, 4:05 pm

Hi Tarley!

The first week is the toughest for some but for me it was the best! I felt more energized than I had in ages (my nutrition habits were the pits!).

It's tough to change some habits like not running to the fridge or cupboard but make that trip to the kitchen count by downing a glass of water, instead.

Water is a BIG help in getting this whole thing to work.

Read this site when you're bored or down or looking for a little pick-me-up. It helped me so much.

Good luck and best wishes :)
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Postby lauradr » October 10th, 2005, 4:37 pm

Good luck!!! You can do it!! :lol:
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Postby Lisa Renee » October 10th, 2005, 4:48 pm

YOu absolutely can do this. Take it one day, one shake at a time!
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Postby Nancy » October 10th, 2005, 5:17 pm

Hi there, Tarley2~

It is with a :lol: smile and :wavie: Mr. Wavy we welcome you!

A major part of losing weight and sticking to the program begins not just in the shaker jar but in the brain - it is possible to go on a three week Hawaiian vacation, to make and serve birthday cakes, Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas cookies, candy and brunch and not cheat - I did it and I am not a super human or extra terrestrial either - just one lady who was sick and tired of being a fatty fatty - I was sick of it enough to temporarily not eat the things that didn't come in a Medifast packet.

It is a challenge to follow the Medirules but it is totally possible to do so and to lose a load of flabber! :byebye:

Best wishes to your success, too. Don't plan to cheat, plan to reach your goal and you will do it.
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Thanks everyone

Postby tarley2 » October 11th, 2005, 9:05 am

Thank you everyone for your encouragement! I really like the quote "don't plan to cheat, plan to reach your goal." (Nancy) So true!!! Thanks again everyone.................... and good luck Missy K!
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