hi guys
im heading out to tennessee tomorrow for my sister's wedding. it is very exciting, as we are very close and i adore her fiance. however, it is going to be a true MF challenge. my plan is to stick to program and try my very best to be proud of myself for doing so.
yes, i will be faced with champagne, cake, and southern food. i have to
tell myself that these foods will remain long after mf and long after my time on this earth.
ok..i am truly frightened! i am scared out of my tree! it has taken me many years of trying and failing at diets and i really feel like this is THE ONE for me. i am just scared of self-sabotage. this has been a pattern in my life. once i slip...getting back on is very difficult, usually it takes months for me to recouperate (sp?) and pick myself up and put things back on track. my fear of slipping is greater than my fear of failure, as in my past slipping=failure.
does anyone else out there have this same dilemma? am i alone in the all or nothing mentality? its funny i can be a "perfect" overeater, but i cannot be a "perfect" healthy eater. uggghhhhhhhhh

take care everyone and thanks for letting me vent
happy 4th