Will POWER!!!

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Will POWER!!!

Postby explorthis » January 8th, 2004, 8:28 am

Will Power…..

Just a comment or two. I was sitting here sipping my 7:00am shake. Oddly, 122 days into this program, I just learned about a week ago, to mix my shakes, and let them sit for about 5 minutes before gulping. This allows them to get pretty thick. I used to pour/mix/gulp all within about 15 seconds… Huge difference… Make them ICE COLD.

Here is my point:
With my weight loss, I (as you have all read probably) became the weight loss GOD here at work. Endless comments, endless questions, endless pats on the back. There is nothing more gratifying than to have the “you look great comments” Anyway, I recently helped an overweight girl here begin the program. She is being secret like I was, not telling anyone, as she has started many diets over the years to no avail, as I have, as we probably all have. She began yesterday morning (1/7/04) and called me a few times during the day, telling me how she was struggling, and that she was hungry, and her stomach was growling… I remember this part very well. I assured her a few times during the day that they would go away. Those cravings during the day and at night do go away.

Being a man as you all think makes it easier, I lose faster, have endless will power, and endless energy. Well, my will power did not begin until I actually began to see some of the endless rolls dissipate. I have never had will power in the past, 42 years of endless eating. Thus my 100++ pounds of additional weight. Endless drive thus, endless secret eating, endless munching etc. etc. etc. Most of you will I am sure relate to this, or you would not be on this wonderful program. Again, once I began to see the weight come off, then the will power began. You have read my posts, I have started and failed as many diets as there calendar days, and that is quite a few diets. (Nancy – I amusing the word diet for a point)

I called my friend last night just before the end of the shift, to strongly assure her that the first few nights at home would be really tempting. I believe we are most vulnerable in the beginning. We are vulnerable during the process of losing also, but most when we are in the beginning stages of the loss. I think (reading posts) that is easy the first part of this program to just give up, and say, oh I can restart tomorrow, or the next day, or the next.

Will power is a state of mind. We are in this together, we cannot afford to continue letting weight control our lives. We are the boss.

My Dad engrained a saying in my mind early in life, constantly repeated it to my sister and myself, as I am with my kids:

You create your own circumstances

I always created my own, I created this once fat guy, and I created this almost skinny NEW guy.

Stay strong. Stay with it. I promise it works. I am living large proof. Medifast is the greatest thing (next to my family) I have ever come across. The feeling of being (almost) thin for the REAL first time in my life is “orgasmic”

I want support, I need support, and I want to give support. I want will power, I need will power. We all need it together.

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Will Power

Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2004, 2:54 pm

Mike ~

Oh yeah! We can easily turn will power into won't power, can't we? I had a co-worker who was also our daughter's teacher. He used to say, "You create it all."

Isn't that the truth?

We can decide today, right this very minute what we will choose to do and then we do it (or don't do it.) We can create chaos or order. We can create freedom or imprisonment.

Isn't it great that we are choosing to take control of our eating; choosing to lengthen our days with our families, choosing life lived to its fullest?
It's not the easy or convenient life for which I search...but life lived to the edge of all my possibility.
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Postby star85 » January 8th, 2004, 3:03 pm

I become more and more inspired everytime I read one of your posts. I actually look for your latest posts now, everytime I'm on the boards. They really help me alot. Have you ever thought about becoming a certified health advisor too? Even though your above latest post is for everyone, I just wanted to personally say "thank you" because I was starting to feel some cravings and then happened to come across your post, which helped. You remember a couple of days ago when I cheated on my 5th day. Well today is day 3 (after starting over again), so far so good. Like you mentioned in your posts, once I start seeing some major results I will have more insentive to stay on the plan. So far though I haven't seen any! I know I have to give it some more time. I'm just so anxious to look and feel like the old me again. That euphoric feeling that you are feeling now, I know what it feels like and I hope to feel it again,too! I wanted to mention to you that I tried getting into the new Studio forum, but it says "Moderators Only", so I couldn't get in. Hopefully everyone will be able to use the site soon. Oh well, I have to start dinner for the little ones now. I'll be good and have my shake!!... Keep in touch.

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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2004, 3:39 pm

Kelyn ~

Did you take a starting picture?



There are times when one's weight loss slows down, those are the times that you want to measure. You will be amazed at how many inches you lose with this. Women typically lose more inches than men. :yeah:

The first few weeks are critical to your long term success. Have you read my Newsletters? Check them out, I think they'll be of help to you.

Since you mention that you have children, have them be your guards. Employ them to be your helpers. Tell them that you need them to be your shadow when you enter the DANGER ZONE: the kitchen. :3head:

Like Mike, I was/am a closet eater. Cupboard eater. Refer eater. Freezer eater. If the kids can be your shadows, your wardens, they can help keep you honest and true to the plan. Eventually you’ll get to the point when you don’t need them as much as you do in the early stages. Team work will getcha to your goal! :goteam:

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby explorthis » January 8th, 2004, 4:20 pm

star85 wrote:Mike,
I become more and more inspired everytime I read one of your posts.

Have you ever thought about becoming a certified health advisor too? Even though your above latest post is for everyone, I just wanted to personally say "thank you" because I was starting to feel some cravings and then happened to come across your post, which helped.

I'm just so anxious to look and feel like the old me again. That euphoric feeling that you are feeling now, I know what it feels like and I hope to feel it again,too! I wanted to mention to you that I tried getting into the new Studio forum, but it says "Moderators Only", so I couldn't get in. Hopefully everyone will be able to use the site soon.

Kelyn, first, how DO you pronounce your name? Kell-yn? Great name…

Thanks for the inspiring response. I think speaking out (from my side of the fence, helps me feel “obligated” to this board, and my continual success, not to mention, if it helps others, then it makes it all the more worthwhile!!

As for the health advisor part, I was approached, by Nancy after one of my first posts, then again later by Tim. At this time I am not interested in it as a career; I have a great one now. I additionally have 2 girls, the eldest will be 13 in 2 weeks (gawd – teenagers) and the younger, and I mean younger is 2-1/2. Nancy mentioned to you, have your kids as your guards/helpers/shadows – my 13 year old is just that, and so thoughtful when it comes to eating, and helping to prepare food. She is very conscious of my loss, and helps me along with support. Even to the point of eating some salad, I can hear her, Dad? Is that allowed? She is wonderful. Both, kids and the current job, along with my woodworking hobby keep me pretty busy, which is fine by me. I will be glad to be a part time free advisor, and answer any question anytime anyone has one.. I am not in it for the $, but to have others feel what I do!! I hope Medifast makes a TV commercial, I will be first in line to tell the watchers why they need Medifast I could make a EXCEPTIONAL commercial!

As for feeling like the old you, good for you to expect that “euphoric feeling”, something I felt at 22, but cannot remember. I am feeling that now and I am not even done yet.

Tim has fixed the “studio” part, so it is operable. I will be fixing my pictures, both and my current ones, and if I get the nerve, I will post them tomorrow!!

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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2004, 4:39 pm

Oh, Mikey, you crack :hatch: me up about MAYBE posting your picture...we know ya wanna. :roll: :roll:

You want those oooh and ahhs from all the ladies.

Folks, Mike is a hunk. :whistle:

Alas, He IS taken.

BTW, Mike, you MAY NOT do a commercial before I do one.

I am mildly cheesed right now because there ARE commercials about Medifast being shown right now and I, the formerly FLABulous but now totally FABULOUS Nancy Kay Pettit have not, I repeat, have NOT been asked to do one!

Why? I have absolutely no idea!!!

I met Dick Vitale in Orland this last summer and blew him away with my weight loss. Coach Vitale is a spokesperson for Medifast now.

I met and spoke with Brad MacDonald (CEO and Chairman of Medifast) and showed him my ‘before’ photos and he beheld the new glorified Medifast Me. Why hasn’t he called me???

I personally know Dr. Wayne Andersen and his lovely wife Lori (He even kissed me the last time he was in Portland and told me that he had heard what a marvelous speaker and presenter I am, not to mention how humble I am). He is the medical director of Medifast and I have still not been asked to do a commercial!!

Medifast and the world need me. And you!

So scoot over, Mikey, get in line AFTER moi. :yes:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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