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Postby FORMOMMY » June 21st, 2006, 12:32 pm

MAN! I have part of it but cannot figure out the rest of it!!!! ARGH!!!
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Postby Serendipity » June 21st, 2006, 2:20 pm

Hey, no fair! I had to be in Pittsburgh all day and now I'm going out with my high school friends. Tomorrow is packing day for vacation. I'll mull it over, but hmmmmm, I don't know.

I'm gonna miss all the rest of the clues, waaaaa. If I could, I'd postpone my vacation........NOT!!!
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Postby Prancer » June 21st, 2006, 2:44 pm

Ok I am not getting it. I can find several words but who knows what they mean or if they are right.
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Postby Arklahoma » June 21st, 2006, 5:28 pm

Maybe it's b/c I'm focused on my job search, but I'm not getting a dang thing. Truly, I am smart ... I promise!!!
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Postby Serendipity » June 22nd, 2006, 10:12 am

Alas, it's almost time to leave and I haven't cracked the code, dang!

Ok, ladies, someone else is gonna have to cook this gizzard.
276/135 since December 1, 2006
"Grandma, how did you make yourself so little?", My grandson, Jake
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Postby wildtrk » June 22nd, 2006, 12:04 pm

Day 69

Gosh where do I start today? Day 69...hmmm. When reflecting on that number I would have to say it has a lot of significance for me. What about you guys out there? Anyone else married on June 9th. Awww....and all you others out there who had other things on your mind...shame shame.

Okay on to the journal part....yesterday I made a commitment to drink more H20. Well I drank more and maybe hit 64oz., but it was well short of the 100oz. I was trying to hit. So today I am at least trying to drink as much as I did yesterday. Last night was a struggle...I got home from work and there were 3 open pizza boxes. I walked straight past them, changed myu clothes and went outside. Definitely needed to get away from the smells. Anyway...stayed compliant and gained a 1/2 lb. Could have been worse could have had 1 or a dozen pieces of pizza and gained 3!

Ramblings of a delusional dieter....
-We must make sacrifices to maintain our quality of life.
-Slipping into madness is good for the sake of comparison...
-Not sure what they are teaching in 1st grade, but my niece informed me last night that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln got in a fight with each other and George dusted Abe at a theater. That was news to me!
-Teaching a 4 year old to golf is not for wimps...I'm raising my own Happy Gilmore.
-According to my kids...I am made of money.
-According to the BMI Calculator I won't make it to overweight for another 70lbs.

But that's okay....

'cause my Muffin Tops are shrinking!
Last edited by wildtrk on June 22nd, 2006, 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
MF Start Date 4/14/06
10# - 4/26 40# - 5/25 70# - 7/27
20# - 5/04 50# - 6/18 80# - 8/31
30# - 5/15 60# - 7/1

New Start Date 1/22/10
Starting weight 355/345/199
10# - 2/2/10

"How long does getting thin take?" Pooh asked anxiously.
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Postby DntCryLilEmoGrl » June 22nd, 2006, 12:14 pm

yay for our ever-shrinking muffin tops! lol ...and i am not married at all ...so :oops: HAHAHA
"Soon to be mrs sexy pants"
lilemo's getting married on April 6th 2008!!!!!

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Postby wildtrk » June 23rd, 2006, 7:25 am

Day 70

7 weeks in a 54lbs down! Can I get a Hallelujah! I've had a lot of up's a few downs and many difficult moments, but for the most part it has been 7 weeks of compliance. I started the Friday before Easter which goes to show that there is never a good time to start...just do it! I was able to get through the chocolate bunnies and other assorted candy without falling off the wagon. Once I saw I could do that I knew I could be successful! So here I am today, 7 weeks in, and I have lost the equivalent of one of my boys...if that doesn't put things into perspective! Let's not forget some of the tough times....I sat through a business lunch drinking only ice tea because I had a business dinner planned and had to choose between the two for my lean and green. I sat through pizza and cake at my son's birthday party and had a bar instead. Walking into my house this week to 3 open pizza boxes and a house that smelled like the corner pizza shop. Numerous run's through the drive through window at the local "heart attack in a sack" restaurant getting happy meal's on the fly because of one reason or another (not my most favorite thing to do for my boys, unfortunately it is unavoidable some days.) However, I have had countless non-scale victories and they keep continuing to appear daily. I am wearing a shirt today that I couldn't even come close to wearing 10 weeks ago! I feel much better, I don't get as tired throughout the day. Stairs are no longer the bane of my existence, I don't get winded by walking down the street for lunch at noon. And it will only get better because I am only 1/3 of the way to my salvation...can I get an Amen brothers and sisters! So to all the lurkers out there that may be reading this....okay on the off chance a lurker strayed and has even read down this far. Stick with it, MF can work...and there is a magic bullet to this diet. YOU...you are the magic bullet. You have to WANT it bad enough! If you can make the sacrifices seem inconsequential, and you focus on your goals, the joys of the successes you will reap will far outweigh the sacrifices you made!

Mindless Observations....

A smile will go along way when you get on a crowded elevator.
When someone asks how you are doing...reply with the word "spectacular". People will notice you more.
Word of the day "abulia" - all I can say is that it happens to me more times than I would like it to.
When it comes to charity...I want to be a giver.
You should have to be certified to have children...or should I say, you should be certifiable (crazy) to have children!
I am losing .0005357/lbs.minute...which means....

You guessed it...

My muffin tops are shrinking!!!

Have a great weekend Losers!
MF Start Date 4/14/06
10# - 4/26 40# - 5/25 70# - 7/27
20# - 5/04 50# - 6/18 80# - 8/31
30# - 5/15 60# - 7/1

New Start Date 1/22/10
Starting weight 355/345/199
10# - 2/2/10

"How long does getting thin take?" Pooh asked anxiously.
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 23rd, 2006, 8:03 am

Amen Brother!

I was gonna write more, but I suffer from abulia.
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Postby Prancer » June 23rd, 2006, 11:12 am

Very encouraging information today! Thank you. Posts like yours help us newbies think we can stick with it.
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Postby Elke » June 24th, 2006, 12:40 pm

Don't "think" you can stick with it...KNOW you can
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Postby dede4wd » June 24th, 2006, 4:08 pm

I have to stop reading your journal! First I squirt Diet Coke out of my nose reading your random thoughts, then I feel really stupid about the code!

BTW! Hallelujah!

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Postby wildtrk » June 24th, 2006, 7:39 pm

Day 71

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death"

This is what it felt like last night when I was at the local carnival and I found my self walking down "grease row". There were fries to the left of me and italian sausauge to the right...here I was stuck in the middle again. But I was a rock! I caved to a diet coke and that was it. In fact the grease smell actually nauseated me....it was that or the twisty ride I was on just before that!

Anyway very little to report, Friday night was tough, but I survived. Saturday was a compliant breeze. Not sure where I will come in tomorrow morning but it will definitely be a loss.

Random musings....
Is it me or does the thought of someone squirting diet coke through their nose really gross you out?
Any other crossword fans out there going to see "Word Play"?
Anything can be negotiated...just ask the carnies on game row at the local carnival. Per the dart booth carnie "I take all the fun out of it"....Excuse me for not wanting to spend $30 to let my kid win a $2 beanie baby!
When kids are tired I wish they would just go to bed and not torture their parents!
NSV - Multiple compliments today from people I haven't seen in awhile.

They all mentioned...

That my muffin tops are shrinking!!!
Last edited by wildtrk on June 25th, 2006, 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
MF Start Date 4/14/06
10# - 4/26 40# - 5/25 70# - 7/27
20# - 5/04 50# - 6/18 80# - 8/31
30# - 5/15 60# - 7/1

New Start Date 1/22/10
Starting weight 355/345/199
10# - 2/2/10

"How long does getting thin take?" Pooh asked anxiously.
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Postby supermom » June 24th, 2006, 9:06 pm

Okay--first off, I read your journal every day. Yes, you "crack me open" (as my 4 year old, Max, says). I don't comment, because quite frankly, I don't have much time. Thanks, though for the laughs. I have 3 kids. All boys, and all boy. Jake is 5, Max is 4, and Billy is 9 1/2 months. It is non stop action around here. I coach their t ball team, teach swimmin lessons, volunteer as a story time reader at the library, we do crafts and weekly trips to the zoo and museums. My family comes first. But, you help me laugh my way through it. Thanks!!
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Postby wildtrk » June 25th, 2006, 11:52 am

Day 72

Sunday June 25...we are 4 days into summer and I feel like the end is almost near. By the time I get into speedo shape I will be getting my snow blower ready for winter. Oh well...maybe next year will the be the year of the speedo. Some how I doubt the Chinese will incorporate that into their calendar!

Let me spend a few minutes talking about why I am going through this metamorphisis....Many people view this pretty selfishly and treat it as a "me" diet. To be honest...this isn't about me...oh sure was I too fat...yep I used the "F" word ...I'll save the big "O" for later. (talking F's and O's makes me want to send the kids off to grandma's overnight :D ) Did I have trouble walking upstairs, tying my shoes, fitting into something other than XXXL? Yep...I sure did...but I was still happy. Sure I knew all the self deprecating jokes...But that was me...the big gregarious guy who always had a joke or a story. I made a comment in another thread that I can't get any sexier than I am today....I believe that...cause when the lights are low and the kids are at grandma's and Barry White is coming through the speakers....it's not about the scale at that point. Kind of the old adage that size doesn't matter...just with a different spin to it.

So who am I doing this for you ask?...it's not a puzzle. It's my family, I knew that at the rate I was going I would hit morbid obesity (there's the big "O") by the time I was 50. I am 41 and I have a 4 year old...I need to be in some semblence of shape if I want to do all the Dad things with him when he hit's his teen years, which should be coming sometime around the middle of next week. I am doing it for my wife...I waited a long time to get married. I just celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary. I would really like to see 16, 26, and drugs willing 36. But I know that in order to do that weighing in close to a baby elephant isn't going to get me to a ripe old age where I can enjoy the benefits of viagara. :shock:

So there it is folks...my reason for taking this little trip. I am focused, determined and trying to do what I can do to get down to a weight that is healthy. And oh by the way screw the BMI calculator. I have a full length mirror that will let me know when I get to the weight I am comfortable with...cause I am truly big-boned and proud of it!

Random Thoughts
My 4 year old would make a good 3rd world dictator.
To the person working the electronics department at Wal-mart that didn't want to walk the video game up to the refund desk for an exchange. You needed the exercise buddy so you shouldn't have complained.
When ordering in the restaurant it is best to let them know up front that you are going to be a little picky...I seem to have better luck in service that way.
When my sons are sick they are wuss's when the DW is around. When it is dad telling them to suck it up a little they are tough as nails....funny how that works.
I finished the week losing 3.5 lbs

Which means.....

My muffin tops are shrinking...

Hasta La Vista Baby!
MF Start Date 4/14/06
10# - 4/26 40# - 5/25 70# - 7/27
20# - 5/04 50# - 6/18 80# - 8/31
30# - 5/15 60# - 7/1

New Start Date 1/22/10
Starting weight 355/345/199
10# - 2/2/10

"How long does getting thin take?" Pooh asked anxiously.
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