wildtrk wrote:cut bait and run? Where did that saying ever come from?
"You CAN'T be seroius here," says she, Princess of Gullible Valley. Well, ok, if you're asking for the specific episode that started the saying, you're right. Haven't a clue. Although, Jonah and the Whale come to mind. Except they weren't fishing. (ramblings by the Court Fragment and Co.)
As for having done it, yep and am planning on cutting a few more lines in the very near future, professionally (not you, honey, if you're reading this
). But my moves won't be nearly as grand as most of the top brass in my district cutting and running as we were drug (dragged?? I teach math now) through the mud rather publicly for needing a $60 million dollar bail-out from the State (yes, children, that's 7 zeros after the 6). I'm still more than a decade or 2 away from retirement, so that wasn't an option. Was quite spectacular, especially since, as a district level administrator myself, I literally had a front row seat and got dragged at least knee high into the mud along with them.
As far as muffin tops, I'll admit that it's kinda cool just to HAVE them!! And the thought that they're SHRINKING....(head spins, small pop, everything freezes, princess faints)