Hi Suzi,
Weight loss is an individual thing.

Our program is designed to burn fat not muscle. So the more fat you have ... generally the faster you lose. Some people lose 20 pounds, some more some less in the first month. Just know that this is the safest and fastest way to part with the pounds.
So whatever you lose that's the fastest you're gonna part with it.

Of course I'm basing this on compliance... sticking right to the program .. no more no less. That's the BEST way to do it.
Now .. .does it show??? ... sure!!!! I remember my pants got looser and looser and then fell right off. The kids at Starbucks started calling me "Mrs Baggy Pants"

and I drove my super friend Nancy crazy

as I wouldn't get on the scale. We didn't know how many pounds I'd lost!!
As you part with the fat ... your body gets smaller. Sometimes we do a little readjustment .. where the scale doesn't seem to be moving .. but our clothes are getting bigger... hmmm
and then the scale starts moving again.
You'll do great!!