Why, Why, WHY?

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Why, Why, WHY?

Postby SharonR » May 31st, 2006, 9:48 am

Alright, I feel discouraged today. Monday I gained a half of pound and I don't have any idea how I did. I thought the next day I would lose it and I didn't. I am staying the same. How can your body gain when you are doing everything right? I can see staying the same, but come on...grrr...I just feel frustrated.
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Postby loriannk » May 31st, 2006, 10:26 am

STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE! It is pure :twisted:

If weighing in everyday is affecting you this bad you should weigh in once a week. Lots do that. The scale will go up and down. You did nothing wrong. It is just your body adjusting. Dont let the scale get you down. If you stay 100% compliant to the program the pounds will melt away. You will see it when you weigh in once a week.

Don't get fustrated. YOU CAN DO IT!

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Postby SharonR » May 31st, 2006, 10:51 am

I know you are both right!!! :x But I am addicted to the scale...I even read the book, oh what's it called, life in a shaker...something like that. They talk about not weighing to often. I need my husband to hide the scale from me, because I can't do it on my own. lol...
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Postby wildtrk » May 31st, 2006, 10:59 am

You may want to read this thread
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Postby falisamarie » May 31st, 2006, 11:23 am

I have to say first HOLY COW wldtrk great avatar!

Don't worry about weight flucuations they will pass. Remember the only weigh in that truly counts is the weekly one.

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Postby Tiolazz » May 31st, 2006, 11:40 am

wildtrk, look how handsome you are... Who woulda thunked it......

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Postby SharonR » May 31st, 2006, 11:42 am

That was cute, thanks for sending that, Wild! I only weight twice a day, once in the morning, once at night. But that's to much for this girl! I need to get a grip!! but only weighing once a week would be a killer!!! :?
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Postby Lizabette » May 31st, 2006, 11:44 am

Great Advice Everyone!

WILDTRK, Love your new avatar!
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Postby wildtrk » May 31st, 2006, 1:07 pm

Thanks for the kind words on the Avatar...though I have always felt that I had a face made for radio. ;) Maybe one day I will post a larger (no pun intended) picture in the studio.
MF Start Date 4/14/06
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Postby Lizabette » May 31st, 2006, 1:18 pm

wildtrk wrote:Thanks for the kind words on the Avatar...though I have always felt that I had a face made for radio. ;) Maybe one day I will post a larger (no pun intended) picture in the studio.


Dare you to go ahead and do it!

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Postby Mike » May 31st, 2006, 2:21 pm

You know weight fluctuates. Each persons body is different and weight changes day by day. Sometimes I go up half a pound, next day I'm down two. Its the weekly result that shows that I lost that week.
Hang in there with us.

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Postby DogMa » May 31st, 2006, 2:28 pm

I'm a compulsive scale-user, so believe me, I understand fluctuations. You have to get a grip - or get off the scale. I can weigh when I get up (after pottying), then sit down for 20 minutes and weigh again, and I'll be up half a pound. Do I worry about it? No. I record the lower weight and move on with my day.

I weigh every day (OK, many times a day). My lowest weight of the week is my official weight, except a couple of weeks ago when I knew it was low because I was dehydrated.

Also, if I have to get up early and haven't gotten anywhere near enough sleep, I don't even bother to write it down, because it's guaranteed that my weight will be up a pound or two for no good reason.

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Postby sidrah » June 1st, 2006, 9:01 pm

You know what though....numbers are great, but if you think you look better and your clothes are fitting better, who cares what the scale says. So what? In the AM it says one thing and in the PM, there is an 8 oz. difference.

It isn't worth the headache. Look in the mirror and see if you can tell and if your clothes tell you. No one asks you what you weigh, but they will say you look better cause it is the look, not the number they see.

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Postby DogMa » June 1st, 2006, 9:41 pm

I can't go by looks, personally. I'm down to a size 8 and I still look about the same to ME. I think if I got down to where I actually felt thin - rather than using the numbers on the scale - I'd be anorexic. The scale is a nice, unbiased measure. Even if it does fluctuate.

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Postby Diana » June 2nd, 2006, 12:13 am

Hey, Sharon.

I know this is a little late, but how ya feelin' today??

If you want, I'll come kidnap the scale. Then you and Tony will have to come over here and weigh!!!

Some things to remember: salt, sitting, stress, straying, starting (TOM -- just trying to stick with the alliteration) (and, oh yes, sleep as prompted by Sharon below!) all cause fluctuations in weight, as in gains. If you're going to weigh every day, do it once a day under as close to the same conditions as possible. Before/after your shake, with/without clothes, etc. all affect the numbers. Patients and water, patients and water.
:water: (Seriously -- give 100 - 120 oz a try!)
And have I told you I almost always show a 2 lb gain on Monday?? Still can't figure it out. So, it takes me til Wed or Thursday for that to go away, then I grit my teeth til Sunday and, viola!, a loss! (I have yet to not show a loss -- although this Sunday may be different!! But then I say that every week.)

Also, try altering your plan: skip the bar, crackers and soy crisps and go with any other product for a day or 2. Go on the full plan (6 meal replacements, no L&G) for a day or two. Or, if your system's like Robin's (Dogma's), try 6&1 instead of 5&1 for a day or two and see if any of those have a positive effect.

But look at you!!! In TWOderland!!! And I've got a whole box of clothes for ya!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Hang in there, my dearest friend, and I PROMISE you won't regret it!
Last edited by Diana on June 4th, 2006, 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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