Why, Why, WHY?

Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

Postby SharonR » June 2nd, 2006, 5:18 am

Yes you are all RIGHT, I admitted that before! :lol: The day that I posted I was so emotional...( Husband says...it's about that time...pms...haha...poor fella he has to live with me! ) I was angry all day, I thought about cheating and I thought about what food I would like and you know what? NOTHING sounded worth it, I couldn't think of one thing that sounded good. Instread I went and cleaned out my closet, that was a long time coming. I found a lot of clothes that I will be able to wear in the near future. I was so excited! So I have been good and I took off that half a pound I gained and lost another.
Not only that, the pants I wore to work yesterday looked rediculous, I came home and my husband started tugging at them and I was like, this is the last time I will be wearing these....PRAISE GOD!!

You guys are so great on this forum, it's wonderful to have a place to feel safe and vent your problems. Thanks for everything!

~ Sharon ~
Oh and Di, when do I get those clothes??? ;-)
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

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Postby SharonR » June 2nd, 2006, 9:52 pm

Hey there Di, first, where is your sister? Does she not post very often?
Secondly I am doing ok....I don't know why it's such a struggle sometimes. However I have not been sleeping well. I have woke up the past two mornings at 4 am ...WIDE awake....ughh...so today I got up at 4:45 and started to work on eBay. Needless to say, I'm sure if I could get some good rest the scale would show a better result.
BUT...my clothes are getting lose, the clothes I wore yesterday and today will be going into a box after the laundry is done because they are hanging in a unflattering way! lol

Ok, nite nite....talk soon. Hope your doing well!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Start Weight 326.7 ~ My short term goal will put me at 250!

Started June 19th 2008. First Mini Goal 76.7 pounds.
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Postby Dayna » June 4th, 2006, 7:50 pm


Life got really hectic (end of the school year always does), and then we went away for several days, and finally the weather is nice enough to be outside planting our garden, and this year I actually can be involved in planting (last year, at 275ish lbs, being down on my knees for that long in the hot sun was a dangerous, not to mention painful, prospect!), and in the meantime I've only been on the computer for business related stuff. But I'm so glad to see you on this board, and I'm so glad you and Tony are doing the program! And I'm glad you've got Di and Mike down there to cheer you on. :D

As for sleeping, have you ever tried valerian root? You find it in the herbal supplements section, in capsules. Roger and I have found it to be helpful for getting to sleep and staying asleep. I made good use of it last year when I was under SO much stress at work, but had finally come to the conclusion that using vodka to get to sleep on a nightly basis probably wasn't the best use of my liver or brain cells. :mrgreen:

one clinical study wrote:Compared with the placebo, the valerian extract resulted in a statistically significant subjective improvement in time required to fall asleep (more or less difficult than usual), sleep quality (better or worse than usual), and number of nighttime awakenings (more or less than usual).This result was more pronounced in a subgroup of 61 participants who identified themselves as poor sleepers on a questionnaire administered at the beginning of the study.

The only downside is that the capsules kind of smell like wet dog.

Again, glad to see you on here, and I look forward to reading your posts (both old and new . . . I have a lot of reading to catch up on from the last few weeks!)

- Dayna
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