Why do some people think Ketosis is dangerous?

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Why do some people think Ketosis is dangerous?

Postby Ginabobina1969 » March 16th, 2006, 7:45 am

Found on the net:(Gotta love google)

Ketosis: Is it safe? Why do some people think it's dangerous?

On July 7, 2002, the New York Times published "What if It's All Been a Big Fat Lie?" written by Gary Taubes.

I quote the article: " 'Doctors are scared of ketosis,' says Richard Veech, an N.I.H. [National Institutes of Health]researcher who studied medicine at Harvard and then got his doctorate at Oxford University with the Nobel Laureate Hans Krebs. ''They're always worried about diabetic ketoacidosis. But ketosis is a normal physiologic state."

"Simply put, ketosis is evolution's answer to the thrifty gene. We may have evolved to efficiently store fat for times of famine, says Veech, but we also evolved ketosis to efficiently live off that fat when necessary. Rather than being poison, which is how the press often refers to ketones, they make the body run more efficiently and provide a backup fuel source for the brain. Veech calls ketones ''magic'' and has shown that both the heart and brain run 25 percent more efficiently on ketones than on blood sugar."

Being in ketosis means your body has burned a large amount of fat in response to the fact that it didn't have sufficient glucose available for energy needs. Under everyday conditions, the carbohydrates you eat are converted to glucose, which is the body's primary source of energy. Whenever your intake of carbohydrates is limited to a certain range, for a long enough period of time, you'll reach a point where your body draws on its alternate energy system, fat stores, for fuel.

This condition called dietary ketosis, means your body burns fat and turns it into a source of fuel called ketones. Ketones are produced whenever body fat is burned. When you burn a larger amount of fat than is immediately needed for energy, the excess ketones are discarded in the urine.

Dietary ketosis is among the most maligned and misunderstood concepts in nutrition because it is often confused with ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening condition most often associated with uncontrolled insulin-deficient Type 1 diabetes. In the Type 1 diabetic, the absence of insulin leads to a toxic build-up of blood glucose and an extreme break-down of fat and muscle tissue. This condition doesn't occur in individuals who have even a small amount of insulin, whether from natural production or artificially administered.

Dietary ketosis, however, is a natural adjustment to the body's reduced intake of carbohydrates as the body shifts its primary source of energy from carbohydrates to stored fat. The presence of insulin keeps ketone production in check so that a mild, beneficial ketosis is achieved. Blood glucose levels are stabilized within a normal range and there is no break-down of healthy muscle tissue.

The most sensitive tests of ketosis ("NMR" and "blood ketone level") show that everyone is in some degree of ketosis every day, particularly after not eating overnight and after exercising. Ketosis is the body's survival system. It is not an abnormality nor does it present any medical danger, except to a Type I insulin-dependent diabetic. The body functions naturally and effectively while in a state of dietary ketosis.

Some of the benefits many people experience while in a state of dietary ketosis for intentional weight loss may include rapid weight loss, decreased hunger and cravings, improved mood, increased energy and, as long as protein intake is adequate, protection of lean muscle mass.


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Postby Carrie » March 16th, 2006, 8:19 am

Great article and RIGHT on point!

My sister is a diabetic and I guess I didn't realize that my knowledge of her condition lent me understanding of the difference between mild ketosis and ketoacidosis. Reading the article made me realize why it's worrisome to some people.......as usual, education is the key.......
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Postby Drama Queen » March 16th, 2006, 12:27 pm

Thanks Gina for posting a great article. Very informative.
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Postby Pashta » March 17th, 2006, 12:49 pm

But then there's this:

Low-carb diets can be unhealthy, doctors warn Fri Mar 17, 8:17 AM ET

Low carbohydrate, high protein diets may help to shed weight quickly but researchers warned on Friday that they can be unhealthy.

The diets can cause constipation, diarrhea, headache, bad breath and ketosis, which causes raised levels of ketones, or acids, in the body.

"Low-carbohydrate diets for weight management are far from healthy," said Lyn Steffen and Jennifer Nettleton, of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health in Minneapolis, writing in the British Medical Journal.

They cited the unpleasant effects and a lack of trials to test the long-term effects of low-carbohydrate diets.

In a case report in the journal, doctors at New York University School of Medicine said they had treated a 40-year-old obese woman, who had followed the Atkins diet, for a life-threatening illness known as ketoacidosis.

The diet, based on research by Dr Robert Atkins who died in 2003, involves eating proteins such as meat and cheese and limiting carbohydrates such as bread and pasta.

"Our patient had an underlying ketosis caused by the Atkins diet and developed severe ketoacidosis," said Tsuh-Yin Chen, adding that mild pancreatitis or stomach infection may have contributed to the problem.

Ketoacidosis is caused by dangerously high levels of ketones in the blood. It can lead to coma and death if untreated.

Steffen and Nettleton said special care should be taken with diet plans because patients wanting to shed weight may have a wide range of risk factors for diseases.

"As researchers and clinicians, our most important criterion should be indisputable safety, and low-carbohydrate diets currently fall short of this benchmark," they added.

- Tonia

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Postby Carrie » March 17th, 2006, 12:52 pm

I think the key with the second one is 'high protein, LOW carb'. That's Atkins, etc

Medifast is not considered high protein (if I remember correctly) but is based on BALANCING the ratio of protein and carbs.........
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Postby Pashta » March 17th, 2006, 12:54 pm

I don't care, as long as I will lose weight on this one article is not going to stop me hehe. :-P Just saw it splashed all over the news today.
- Tonia

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Postby aphrael » March 17th, 2006, 1:19 pm


Another thing, Medifast has been tested for it result and after effects for over 20 years at John Hopkins Medical Center. That isn't some run of the mill back room study. They have proven that Medifast is SAFE and have the years of research and documentaion to prove it. They just finished a study that showes it's benifits for people with Diabettes as well.

So if anyone gives you trouble about being on a low carb diet refer them to the John Hopkins research and be confident that you are following a plan that is proven safe, reliable, and has long term results :)

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Postby Jan » March 17th, 2006, 1:46 pm

Hi there ... we seem to be off and running again.

We need to be very very careful that when we read articles we are making the correct comparisons.

Ketosis itself, as reported in the first article brought to us by Gina, is a natural bodily process. It's the method our body uses to burn our stored engery reserves (fat).

Ketoacidosis is another entire subject. It is a life threatening condition which occurs in people who have diabetes. It involves a complete lack of insulin. No one would ever desire to be in this situation.

I would also like to point out two other facts. First. our program is not at all the same as the Adkins program. Adkins followers are pushed into a much much stronger form of Ketosis. This is what the second article was based upon. Adkins users check their level of Ketosis. The Ketosis involved in our program is so slight that most times it does not even register on the Ketosis stick. It is very very similar to our bodies own natural state of Ketosis as opposed to a forced Ketosis. We don't have to worry about muscle loss and other problems. This has been tested at Johns Hopkins as well as other Medical Schools. As was pointed out above our program is about balance. The proteins and carbs are balanced. Neither is eliminated. We keep, proteins, carbs and fats in your daily food intake.

Now, as far as diabetics are concerned. They are the main ones that have to worry about ketoacidosis. Our diabetic program is widely used by diabetics. It has been tested and shown to be absolutely wonderful by the folks at Johns Hopkins as well other researchers. We receive great reports daily from our diabetic clients. I just read a post on the forum from a diabetic that stated "medifast saved my life" It is a completely safe and wonderful program. In many cases the diabetics body begins once again to respond and they are able to greatly decrease or eliminate their medications..

This program has been recommended by thousands of doctors. The Medical Director of our program is Board Certified in Critical Care. Oh and by the way he also graduated first in his Medical School Class. :D We also have several doctors who are themselves Health Advisors.

The most important thing is to follow the program exactly as it is written. I say again and again "it is a medical program" and must be treated as such. To lose weight in the quickest and safest manner be compliant. The program will protect your body and enable you to part with the pounds quite quickly. Happy Shakin" :D
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Re: Ketosis

Postby Dayna » March 17th, 2006, 7:24 pm

Jan wrote:our program is not at all the same as the Adkins program. Adkins followers are pushed into a much much stronger form of Ketosis.

I can vouch for that! During my Atkins days, when I was testing myself nightly for ketosis, the sticks would register just about as dark as they could go (especially if I'd engaged in any exercise that day). Meaning, I was in a very heavy state of ketosis. Just for giggles, I tested myself a couple weeks into Medifast, and the stick sort of maybe turned color just the tiniest little bit. And yet I know the program is working, because I'm dropping pounds, I feel great, and every now and then my husband can smell the ketones on my breath.

One of the biggest selling points of Medifast (for me) was that Johns Hopkins will associate their name with the program, and that it has been used by doctors around the country for 20 years. Johns Hopkins, I'm fairly certain, would not allow their name to be associated with anything that is unproven or unhealthy.

And anyway, I've started taking most "science" articles (at least the ones that appear in your average newspaper) with a grain of salt. Remember when margerine, with all its trans-fatty acids, was supposed to be healthy? ;)

- Dayna
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