why so slow?????

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why so slow?????

Postby beau4ever » December 20th, 2005, 7:05 am

Hi, I've been doing the program since nov 8 and have lost only 6lbs. What am i doing wrong? Seems as thiugh my metabolism has died altogether. I do work the grave yard shift. I don't get much sleep. And i've only been able to get in 4 mf a day with my lean meal. Can anyone help? I can't seem to loose weight on any program. I guess im not eating enough, sleeping enough,contipated (big time) This is my work schdule and its hard to get everyting in. Also , i am so tired. Will my body ajust to this and start to pick up? If anyone has any suggestions i would be greatful Thanks cathy
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Postby ljm498 » December 20th, 2005, 8:18 am

Hi Cathy! Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. One thing I know is you definitely have to get in all of your meals in or your body just won't let go. And get all of your water in too. That's so very important. I'm sure others will come in with more advice, but that's what initially stands out to me.

Hope that helps! Good luck!

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Postby big ron » December 20th, 2005, 8:36 am

Have you had your thyroid checked? I am very Hypothyroid and if my medication is off it greatly effects my weight. Your thyroid is very instrumental to your metabolism. Also if I dont get in enough water it slows me down. Ron
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Postby aphrael » December 20th, 2005, 11:52 am


It is essential that you get all 5 supplements in and your lean and green. If you aren't getting them all in than your body isn't getting enough fuel and will hold onto the extra weight. If you have to space your packets a little closer to get them all in. Water is also key. I had very slow weight loss drinking just hte 8 glasses of water a day. When I bumped up my water to 10 glasses or more day i saw a big differance not only in weight loss, but also added energy and less hunger.

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Postby Jan » December 20th, 2005, 6:36 pm

You've gotten good advise. You must eat all the meal replacements or your body will think you are trying to starve it and refuse to part with anything. The water is very important as well. Too little water can stall weight loss -- also add to the constitpation problem. Plus, a lack of sleep will stall weight loss. In order to stay alive your metabolism adjusts to a slower rate. You can't skip sleep and maintain a higher metabolism -- it will simply not work. The same holds true for people with sleep apnea -- their metabolisms remain pretty low and thus most struggle with their weight also.
I would advise you to eat all your meals -- spacing them closer together in order to get them all in is fine, drink lots and lots of water, and try to get more sleep. Sounds to me like your body is just getting worn down with not enough sleep. The most important thing to do on this program is to plan plan plan so that you can work it.
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Postby Nancy » December 21st, 2005, 10:00 am

Dear beau4ever ~

A 6 pound weight loss in two and a half months means there is something definitely awry with what you are doing. :oops:

Your meal plan, your schedule and constipation situation certainly indicate that you are :shock: not following the prescribed Take Shape For Life program.

Our program is proven to work WHEN followed correctly. Each thing you mention certainly affects the success of the program but more importantly, it impacts your health and over time, this can contribute to much more than slow weight loss.

We are a finely crafted human beings and when we put great demands upon our body and do not provide it with the necessary fuel, somethin’s bound to give out. Our body can run :runner: on its reserves for a while but then it begins to withhold and it can be detrimental to our health.

Many Americans do not get enough :snooze: sleep and have poor nutrition.

Here’s a :shock: sobering thought: they are operating dangerous equipment, driving automobiles and some may even be flying planes…

If most of us knew that the fuel tank of our car was running on fumes, that the oil supply was piddly, the brakes were worn out and we had misplaced our map, would we gladly climb behind the :goldprowl: driver’s seat and take of for a cross-country trip in the middle of winter?

:x No way!

In a sense, Little Darlin’ that’s what you are doing – you need more fuel: all 5 packets of Medifast PLUS your Lean and Green. We call this the 5 and 1 Plan, not the 4 and 1 Plan.

You need more :water: water – your body has a certain amount of blood volume, spit, brain juice, etc. and when you withhold water then some things won’t work as well and are sluggish – the poopster needs a certain amount of water to send stuff down the tube efficiently.

Our body is a marvelous machine and it needs some regular rest or else it gives out. We can fall outta our chair, step off the curb and sprain ankles, overuse our shoulders and rip tendons, wear out our thinking ability and make dippy decisions when we are in need of visiting Nodland.

I think you already know that what you’re doing isn’t working as well as you’d like it to be…

Gentle Readers, we have the best product on the market today, we have the best program with 25 years of successful usage and research behind it but par-dohne moi, as she climbs down from her soapbox perch, the Leopardy One says, “it doesn’t do diddly if we don’t follow the plan properly…”
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Postby Gwenski » December 29th, 2005, 4:27 pm


If you cannot tell, you more than have chosen the right plan and place for assistance.

Here's one for you that my Daddy brainwashed into my head -- Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. What is worse is that he has been right all these years.

Get overly organized and like a scout, always be prepared. Pull out your supplements before you go to bed so you know what you have planned for the next day and make sure you get all five supplements in on time with your lean and green. Everytime you eat, have a glass of water. Don't be afraid of Sugar Free Metamucil -- Dad was also right about that -- keeps all systems lubed, oiled and filtered.

You made the investment to do this for you now take it to the next level and you will be shocked and amazed that when you work the program it works for you.

Best wishes always -- YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :mrgreen:

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