Dear Nelly---
I am about speechless with pride for your speaking your mind the way you did --- not enough people approach Doctors as they should be approached - provider of service .... and guess what>>> I AM YOUR CUSTOMER ....I PAY YOUR SALARY -----
and yet, while we wouldn't take unsolicited advice from the guy at the garage or listen to him laughing at us for using pine scented air fresheners in OUR CAR --
-- MOST people feel they have no say or rights once they cross the threshhold to a medical office .... BS - I don't care how tightly you have crammed your schedule..YOU will spend the time with me that I require! I don't care if you're pushing a certain drug - I have a choice ----your opinion, you are entitiled BUT don't think it then becomes mine or you will shove it down my throat ----TIMES HAVE CHANGED AND THE BALANCE HAS SHIFTED IN HEALTHCARE. Today your patients are far more educated about our illness, body, options and results if we choose to be ... and I know you hate that (in many cases) ---- you can no longer walk through an entire day with your god-complex .. chances are someone will challenge you and rightfully so.... I know managed care screwed up your $$$ numbers - but you have been brought to the table and can be held more accountable and the first in line to do that is "me" - I AM YOUR CUSTOMER AND I WON'T TAKE CRAP FROM YOU ANYMORE THAN I WOULD FROM A RUDE WAITRESS, CLERK, SALESMAN, ETC.... Wake up and smell the alcohol - YOU, my dear DOCTOR are a service professional with a certificate hanging on the wall... and by the way, Insurance agents, realtors, etc. ... also have certificates on their walls.
Ahem, sorry to get on my soapbox BUT - I've been going through a change in perception with regard to healthcare professionals over the last ten years - and here I am today.
The good news---- there are many doctors that will be supportive and listen and see the value of a patient actively participating in their own well-being. Shop around.
I saw my doctor yesterday - new within the last six months - she was thrilled with my loss, my decision to find something that works for me, my attitude and apparent improved health AND as she said "I am always so happy to talk to the successes, people willing to take responsibility for their wellness - unfortunately, people often look to me to have a fix for everything."
TAKING RESPONSIBILITY ---- THAT IS WHAT WE ARE DOING EVERYDAY - I could not say enough about the value of this forum and all of you wonderful people - the support, advice, care and posts are all a critical part of my success. FOR-UM = lies and no "ums" when I need help.
Thank you all --- Nelly you rock - the voice of millions - certainly the thousands here on radio FREEME!
WE WILL do this together!!!!!!