by explorthis » October 8th, 2004, 9:34 am
Dee, first of all, welcome to the 20# club! I missed this, and have since updated you to the 20 club!!
Secondly, at this point hunger should be a state of mind. Your mind says its hungry I know, but truthfully, your body is comfortable with its current intake. Trust a 100+ pound loser when I tell you this, it is mind over matter. Part of the problems that occur with hunger, are sitting for periods of time thinking about it, seeing TV commercials, seeing others munch on the things you so miss, smelling something you have not had since 9/9. Numerous things trigger old habits, and hunger. There are fairly easy to overcome. Think realistically, your hunger pain really does not last that long, once you are doing something besides thinking about it. Most times, all you have to do is occupy your mind with something else other than food, like a walk, a phone call, a drive, or whatever. I know this sounds cliché, but it really works. Worst thing you can do is just sit there fretting over it, agonizing that you really want this or that, because really you don’t. The brain is a strong cookie (pun intended) and you must overpower it, and not let it win. You have lost TEWNTY something pounds according to your stats. AMAZING!!! Don’t let this slip out of your grip. You CAN do this. Read the posts, it’s next to impossible to get going again, once you let this slip out of your hand.
Posts, read, get out of the house, which, since you are alone, this makes it a lot easier!!! The cravings and hunger will pass.
Additionally, add some more bouillon to your regimen, you can have 2 heaping cups (or a skosh more) per day, and it really helps!!!
Was 337/223 is goal (about 40 to go)