Why do we have to wait?

Fitness and Exercise

Why do we have to wait?

Postby saraak » January 9th, 2006, 4:40 pm

I've been on the diet only 6 days now and have read how you need to wait to exercise. What is the reasoning for this? Is it not to burn calories because we're eating little anyways? If it is this could I at least do a little bit of toning exercises? Would this hurt at all? Can anyone help and let me know what I can do and if not when can I start? Thanks so much!!

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Postby Jan » January 9th, 2006, 5:37 pm

Hi Saraak,
You will find a lot written by Nancy and others on this subject. I'll sort of summarize for you. The reason you are asked not to exercise the first three weeks of the program (if you haven't been exercising) or to cut your program by half (and don't exceed 45 minutes) is because on this program we are restricting your calories. Our bodies have a built in survival system to save themselves. (it goes back to the old days when we were hunter/gatherers) If you want to part with the pounds wait to exercise if aren't and cut back if you are.
You'll find lots of posts about this.
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