Whoa, thats a lot of crackers

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Whoa, thats a lot of crackers

Postby Guest » February 6th, 2004, 1:32 pm

With my first order of Medifast products I only ordered shakes. I just received my second order and added the crackers and soups and stuff. Am I actually supposed to eat the pack of crackers? That is a lot of crackers. :D

By one pack, I mean one of the white plastic packs that come in a box of 7 packs.
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Postby finalstraw » February 6th, 2004, 1:37 pm

Opps! I forgot to log in, I am the one with the cracker question.


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Postby Nancy » February 6th, 2004, 11:38 pm

Yep, you may eat the entire contents of one of those packets of crackers. It made me chuckle when you asked if you could eat them all. When my first box of Multi-grain crackers arrived, I tore into the box and pulled out one of those air puffed little packages and counted 9 teensy weensy crackers.

Remember, I am the one that ate a stack of Ritz ™ Crackers every afternoon from my desk drawer. I thought the crackers looked like tan Cheez-its ™ and wondered how in the world they would ever satisfy my carb tooth. I actually licked the package! Really truly pock-a-dooly! :shock:

I l :heart: ve the Multi-grain crackers – BTW, I think they help when constipation is an issue. They are tasty, make a nice snack and helped me to understand the concept of an appropriate portion size.

So the answer to your question is this: you may have one of the little white packets of Multi-grain crackers per day. The entire BOX of crackers holds SEVEN days worth of crackers.
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Postby shineface » February 7th, 2004, 5:29 pm

I'm Laughing ot loud!!!

Nancy, I got the crackers today and thought - you've got to be kidding - this is less than a handfull ---- I couldn't have used this many with one slice of cheese in the past - NOT ENOUGH!! Then I re-focused, got a grip and back in touch with what I'm doing TODAY --- the other approach got me wher I am!!!

Thanks ---good stuff!!!!
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Postby Nancy » February 7th, 2004, 7:41 pm

Yup, you're on your weigh with the right focus, Pam. There is more to life than food.

In the beginning stages of weight reduction we tend to focus on how puny the portions seem, how we miss our old foody friends but all too soon you'll realize that food is NOT your friend and your focus will be on health, happiness and wholeness!

Those teensy weensy cracker packages ARE indeed a crack-up :roll: but when you realize that you, too can become a member of the Tiny Hiny Club, you'll realize how great they really are and how they teach you how much is 'enough' fuel - anything more and we'd be right back up there with fluffy buns!

Say, I see that you are almost ready to kiss the 70's GOOD-BYE! :wave: Awesome, Baby!
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