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Postby Nancy » March 3rd, 2006, 10:15 am

For Julie ~

Can someone tell me are shakes considered a meal ?

:yes: Yes, every single Medifast packet EXCEPT for the Medifast salad dressing, the Medifast crackers and the Medifast Fast Soup are complete meal replacements.
One packet = one meal.

We eat one packet at a time, every two to three hours.

Can you have lets say a MF soup and shake together for a lunch?

Sorry. Nope. MF Soup & MF shake = TWO complete meals. That's like having two big macs at one sitting. :oops:

So far i have had oatmeal for bf and a shake,

I don't know if you mean that you had BOTH Oatmeal and a shake or if you had the shake for mid morning snack...but if you had both for breakfast, tomorrow you'll know how to do it. :lol:

mid snack i had another shake.

That's good. 1 shake packet = one complete meal. Good job!

I plan on having chicken noodle for lunch, I don't have the crackers yet. Is there anything else you could have or just the soup?

Just the soup is fine until you get the Medifast Crackers. And when you get them, you may have one packet per day. You could have some diet pop, if you drink it or tea, coffee, Crystal Light, etc.

mid afternoon i will probably have boullian

That's fine to have bouillon for a snack but you will need an afternoon complete meal - so have a packet of something in the afternoon. Bouillon and a packet of something will be fine to have together, if needed, as the bouilon is not a complete meal.

for dinner i will have my L&G.

Sounds good. Weigh the meat and measure the veggies. Do not have anything else.

[quote} then my evening snack maybe another shake or bar. Is this a good plan ? [/quote]

A shake is fine but bars are best to have earlier in the day.

We recommend that a person does not use a bar for breakfast and not in the evening because they are higher in calories and carbs than any of the other meal packets.

Am i missing something?

Nope, it looks like you are getting along, just space the packets and the Lean and Green at two to three hour intervals. ;)

Oh yeh and i have been drinking my water ! lots of trips to the bathroom

Great - that'll do it!

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Postby 2BHealthy » March 3rd, 2006, 12:21 pm

That's awesome!! Way to go!! :coolnana:
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Postby Lizabette » March 3rd, 2006, 5:45 pm


How about a 20 pound dog? That's what my pet schnauzer Allie weighs!

A ton to lift, that's what! Congratulations girl, we're with you,

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