Since there's not much difference between the two programs as far as rate of loss goes, it seems to me that it's more a more an issue of behavioral choices. I've read posts from some people who needed to remove themselves as far from "real food" as possible, to avoid binging/cheating and give themselves a chance to kind of reprogram, and so the full fast was a good choice for them. For me, the opportunity to share a meal with my husband, as well as the knowledge that I've got a "substantial" meal coming up (in those moments when the shakes seem a little puny

) are some of the reasons I'm glad to be on the 5&1. Also, this is helping me practice for maintenance; I'm learning to enjoy lots of veggies and lean sources of protien that aren't smothered in sauces.
One thing to keep in mind: if you decide to do the full fast, you must be closely monitored by your doctor.
But whatever you chose, you won't regret it! This program WORKS. You'll lose weight, you'll feel great. What could be better??!!
- Dayna