Whew! Made it through Thanksgiving - Temptation Over!

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Whew! Made it through Thanksgiving - Temptation Over!

Postby Lisa in NY » November 24th, 2005, 6:19 pm

Well it's 8:00 PM here in NY and I have managed to get through the day at my parents house (our Italian Thanksgiving) without going crazy with food! I chose to have 1 tblspoon of stuffing and I tblspoon of a spinach/cheese casserole. Other than that, I had turkey and green beans. I did not touch any pie or other desserts, didn't have to - because I made a little oatmeal tart out of MF oatmeal and ate that with a little whipped cream on top, then a few hours later had my MF pudding. I still have another pudding left before I go to bed. I chose NOT to have a bar today because I figured having an extra oatmeal would work better today and it did. This is the FIRST time in my life that I am sitting down at 8PM on Thanksgiving night and not complaining of stomach cramps from eating too much!

I've been doing this since August and I think I can say now that I have been through EVERY food obstacle there can possibly be. I've been to weddings, showers, parties, picnics, vacation away from home, an Italian FOOD festival, and now Thanksgiving - all WITHOUT cheating on this program. I think it comes down to how READY you are to get the weight off. It is a WONDERFUL feeling for me to know that I can get through days like this and still stick to my eating plan. But truly, NO food could ever give me the feeling I get when I step on the scale and see the numbers go down or fitting into another smaller size!

I hope everyone has/had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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Postby Unca_Tim » November 24th, 2005, 8:01 pm

Great job Lisa!

There'll be many more Thanksgivings to come....:)
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Postby mytime » November 24th, 2005, 9:21 pm

Lisa - I am sooo there with you. Made it through my Italian Thanksgiving. The pie was tough I looked at it maybe 100 or so times and I forgot my broccoli at home - thank God my mom is the queen of over shopping and had lettuce ! I ate turkey with my lettuce but that was it ! I am so happy for you ! You have been through it all and the very best part is that MF was right there with you to see you through it . GREAT JOB !!!! Mytime
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Postby Gwenski » December 1st, 2005, 12:50 pm

Here here Lisa! I am so with you on doing Thanksgiving the MF way. I threw in a FF Jello Cut for fun and did pumpkin pie spice oatmeal for desert and didn't even do the two to three teaspoon bites -- figured it would only lead to naughtiness.

Looking at all the food actually kind of made me ill. Wearing a nice outfit that wouldn't fit when I began this in July was better than anything served, execpt maybe the French Apple Tart I made and didn't try. C'est la vie, clearly I have survived.

Loosing weight over the holiday is a best thing ever!


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Postby dlr2424 » December 3rd, 2005, 12:18 pm

Gwenski..... :whoohoo: ...you are doing INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!........ :yay: ......your weight loss is such an inspiration to me and to many....... :thumbup: .......keep up the great work...... :yourock: ......


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