where oh where r my ketosis

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

where oh where r my ketosis

Postby bpecan » February 1st, 2004, 10:45 am

hello everyone this is day 7 on the program and i still dont have that burst of energy i am feeling less hungry, i am freezing all the time, i have that bad taste in my mouth, went thru the headaches and so forth but where is my energy at, I dont think that i have gone thru ketosis yet or maybe everyone doesnt get that burst of energy that i am looking for. Could that be the problem?
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Postby Kimbob » February 1st, 2004, 11:16 am

Well, the funny taste in your mouth is a good sign, believe it or not!

I promise, if you are following the program then you WILL lose weight - and don't worry if your experiences are a little different than some others'; we all have our own unique bodies and our own unique feelings.

Don't stress on ketosis. It's a part of the process, but the goal is weight loss, not a certain level of ketosis.

Hang in there - you are doing MAHvelous and you will be so pleased, I PROMISE!

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Postby finalstraw » February 1st, 2004, 11:51 am

I find my burst of energy in a bottle or can of Diet Mountain Dew, almost to the point of jittery. :D

I do have more energy (no sluggish - I have to have a nap) through out the day, but not sudden burst of energy. I find that on days that I don't have caffiene through coffee or diet sodas that I lag also, but no as bad as before when I was high-carbing it.

Hang in there, drink some caffiene. ;)

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Postby Unca_Tim » February 2nd, 2004, 1:40 pm

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