When to Weigh ?

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When to Weigh ?

Postby Dean0408 » April 1st, 2005, 12:32 pm

Sometimes during the Sunday Morning Weigh In's, I notice that people post at all different times of the day. This is understandable, since our busy lives do not allow us to always jump on line the first thing in the morning.

This post is just to throw out a commonly known fact just in case someone is not aware of it.


If you weigh yourself at the above time of day each and every time you decide it is time to "weigh in", you will get the truest picture of just where you are with regard to weight loss.

Don't cheat yourself by wearing clothes either......birthday suits are the proper attire for this job.

I have found that I can get as much as a three pound weight increase by the end of the day in comparison to the "first thing in the morning" weight.

As an example, if you weigh yourself right after drinking a bottle of water in can add a pound or more. I just weighed a 20 oz. bottle of water and it came in close to a POUND AND A HALF (give or take a couple of ounces)

So, even if you can't log in early on Sundays, be sure to weigh yourself as soon as you awake anyway. Write down the results and post 'em later on.

Who knows? Maybe some of you who think you have stayed the same from previous weigh in's..........may just be victim to a timing problem. ;)

Hope this helps,
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Postby Dean0408 » April 2nd, 2005, 8:27 am

Wow.......that was good advice Dean. Thanks.......what you say is true.......it works for me.

(this post was made in order to show at least ONE REPLY to the tread I started. I didn't want to be the only dork whose thread generated ZERO replies)


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Reply #2

Postby LilMsTexas » April 2nd, 2005, 8:51 am

:roflmao: ROFLMAO

Yes Dean it is very true. PEOPLE UNITE!! All around the world there are people standing quietly on their scales in nothing but their birthday suits hoping to see that DANG LITTLE NEEDLE MOVE IN THE OTHER DIRECTION before we go have a morsel of food or drink!!

Bless your heart (we say that alot in Texas)
Thanks Dean........I even took my pantaloons off this morning before getting on the scales just for you ;)
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Re: Reply #2

Postby 24KaratGold » April 2nd, 2005, 9:02 am

LilMsTexas wrote:Thanks Dean........I even took my pantaloons off this morning before getting on the scales just for you ;)
Woohoo! And here I thought this was a family board! :mrgreen:

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Postby Dean0408 » April 2nd, 2005, 10:02 am

haha! :lol:

Thanks for the replies ladies! Especially the pantaloon reference.........

I can now stop cowering in the corner........alone......unappreciated......and contemplating NEVER to start a thread again! :roll:

I can go forth with renewed confidence........knowing that truth, justice and the American way..........are more than just part of the beginning narrative of the old original Superman TV series.

There are replies in my thread.........there are replies in my thread......WOO HOO!

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Postby kassilou » April 2nd, 2005, 10:18 am

Here's another reply....just wanted to help bring your "thread count" up! :mrgreen:
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Postby dlr2424 » April 2nd, 2005, 10:32 am

Dean...I contemplated responding to your thread immediatly after you wrote it ...but hesitated in fear of giving the forum...A VISUAL... :oops: .....but here goes.... :hide: ......I agree with all you wrote.... and being someone who was obsessed and controled by weight their entire life knows better than to even contemplate stepping on a scale any time of the day other than morning...and as far as what we weigh in.... :?: ... :hide: ....there isn't a stich...a thread.. :no: ....NOTTA.....NOTHING..not even the Wedding Rings...and of course after I've emptied my blatter...now God Bless the people who can just jump on the scale with their shoes on..... fully clothed.... & never give the number a thought ...i've yet to imagine that


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Postby Dean0408 » April 2nd, 2005, 11:29 am

kassilou......THANKS! As we all know, extra thread count makes a set of sheets much more comfortable..........and adds VALUE to them as well....(well, if not value........it sure adds COST! I will stick to the value thing though) So.......if extra thread count makes sheets more valuable......it must do the same for my thread!

Donna......yep, when I weigh at home, I am dressed in the exact same outfit that you wear. (well, I suppose our outfits are slightly different in some areas) BUT!! the outfits weigh the same.......NOTHING! (except I have to wear my glasses in order to see the numbers......hmmmmm........maybe I should put my contacts on for these weigh ins! I knew I shouldn't have selected the concrete block frames on these new glasses!!....darn)


Every time I weigh in........Heidi goes, "Well, what did you weigh? How much did you lose?...huh?....huh?"

Of course, when the shoe is on the other foot (when Heidi weighs in)....I will get a report of how much she has lost..........but I know not to waste my breath asking how much she weighs overall. I have never known what she weighs............she won't tell me! Whether thin or heavy, she has NEVER told me what she weighs. I don't know if anyone besides Heidi and her doctor know. Not even her mom!!!!

She has no trouble telling her age..........but her weight? As they say on the Soprano's......" Fuh-ged-uh-bough-dit!"

Oh well, weight is only secondary to me anyhow........it is INCHES that count, people notice what you LOOK like, not what you weigh........if she keeps getting smaller and can fit into some of her clothes from days gone by.......and is HAPPY about herself........well, that's good enough for me!

Of course, the weight thing is the primary measurement we have for progress........the process of weighing ourselves is easier than a multitude of tape measure exercises. BUT! Every time one of you ladies post about the glee of sliding into a smaller size.......(which is a wonderfull and exciting thing).......you too are talking about size (inches lost)......rather than weight. Weight and inches........they go hand in hand.

Well, I am off to watch my old team play softball now........It is a beautiful sunny day here in SoCal, just right for cheering the team on! Have a great Saturday everyone! I'll check back tonight.

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Postby doglover » April 2nd, 2005, 12:05 pm

Ok, I'll reply too! Man, the peer pressure is great! :roll:

I do weigh in undies but I make sure they are the same kind of undies every Sun! I am just too lazy to take them off I guess! And yes it is first thing in the morning after I am sure every drop of pee is gone!!!! :-P

Now, about the wieght thing - the first time my hubby ever heard my weight was when I was being prep'd for surgery and they had to ask me that and DH was in the room! I almost died and really considered lying, but the risk of death or waking up in surgery bec. of too little anesthesia was too great for me. Bless his heart, he never blinked! He never even knew my weight during 2 pregnancies, even though he went to every appt! Now all he gets is the lbs lost! Weird. So close but still cannot confess the number!

Wouldn't it be funny if Dean's thread became the longest in the forum? You are so funny Dean-o

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Postby 24KaratGold » April 2nd, 2005, 12:31 pm

doglover wrote:Now, about the wieght thing - the first time my hubby ever heard my weight was when I was being prep'd for surgery and they had to ask me that and DH was in the room! I almost died and really considered lying, but the risk of death or waking up in surgery bec. of too little anesthesia was too great for me.

My brother had to send his helicopter to get me out of a tight spot once (don't ask; it's a very long story).

You have to tell what you weigh when you get on a helicopter, so they can do whatever adjustments they do for it, and you have to be honest for the same reasons you had to be honest for surgery. :oops:

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Postby LilMsTexas » April 2nd, 2005, 3:56 pm

My DH is on Adkins while I am doing medifast. Our budget won't allow us both to do it at once I'm sorry to say........but it's cool because it fits in with my lean and green for the most part. ANYWHO....We are both posting our weight on our family calendar everytime we weigh. It is there for him to see, my 12 year old son to see, and anybody else who happens to wonder by in my kitchen because it's hanging on the outside of my pantry door right by the phone! :shock: I guess I don't care because it keeps going down.

Years ago when I was going to the gym 6 days a week and dieting with the aid of PHENTERIMINE I left the gym in tears every single time for a week. I was CERTAIN that the military men in the gym were repulsed by me and spending all of their time talking about how fat I was and how little I did on each machine to keep from passing out! But then I thought, wouldn't they be more repulsed by seeing me stuffing my face at the food court on post? Wouldn't they talk about me more if they saw my big fat belly in skin tight shorts I have no reason to wear? Then of course I realized not a single person in the entire place could care less how big I was or what I was doing or that I was even there. They were to busy worrying about their OWN workout!

That is how I feel now about my weight. Who cares if anyone knows what I weigh? Especially my husband who sees me NEKKID every once and again ;) :shock: Surely he doesn't THINK I weigh 120 :D Now we just cheer and get all misty eyed together when we write smaller numbers on the scale!!

This whole insecurity thing is for the birds folks! We all have to get over it and get on with it now. Never again will we be this size.......never!! So shout from the roof tops where you are today because you'll never be here again! Except for Raederle that is....she'd better stay right where she is ;)

Am I rambling? Of course I am. I just feel so empowered lately. I want everyone to feel inside the way I do today. You may all be picking me up off the floor pretty soon when I don't see a loss and I'm feeling all poor pitiful Christi again...........so deal with my enthusiasm for today I suppose hehe.

Here's to all the naked folks standing on their scales in the morning :buddies: Oh and Dean....just to keep this directed at you...I wonder just how much our glasses really DO weigh?? :roflmao:
See you all in the morning :hide:
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby want2Bthin » April 2nd, 2005, 4:17 pm

I just love this forum. You all crack me up. :nana:

Dean- I too weigh with glasses on. You've got me thinking- I am blind as a bat so my glasses are pretty thick. I may have to weigh them. I may be in my contacts tomorrow morning. :lol:

My husband recently found out my weight. We went to the doctor before I started MF. He asked me in the car. After he pushed me far enough I told. It was actually a relief for me.

When I was in the car accident in Nov. the firemen had to lift me out on a back board. I was hurt really bad but the only thing I could think of is how they were probably thinking "what a fatty". I even apologized to one of the firemen for being so heavy. What a degrading moment that was.

Thanks for the great thread. Good luck to everyone in the morning.

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This is embarrassing....

Postby bikipatra » April 2nd, 2005, 7:14 pm

I weigh every morning at 6am. However, hubby has to help me. My 42DDD busoms prevent me from being able to see the scale unless I bend or contort which causes the scale to move! I don't mind my husband helping because he is able to celebrate with me and he likes knowing the money I spent on MF is worth it. However, I will proudly report the day as a milestone when my chest shrinks enough I can weigh myself!

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Postby Dean0408 » April 2nd, 2005, 9:38 pm

Ya know, I am really enjoying reading all the posts. See?.........we ALL have a sense of humor.......this is just great!

I feel like we are all sitting around a big table and talking, even though we are scattered all across the country.

This forum doesn't ALWAYS have to be so serious.......we should yuk it up once in a while........heck, Nancy has been posting funny stuff for a couple of years.......and ya know what? I bet she had the same great sense of humor the whole time she was losing her weight. So.......that's what we should do too. Who knows? It might make us lose faster!! (we wish)

I just weighed my glasses.........they weigh exactly 47.3 pounds, and I didn't even need to lose weight in the first place........but.........being the nice guy that I am, I will stay on the plan so Heidi has company.

Hope each and every one of us get a nice surprise from our scales tomorrow.......and ladies, thanks for being so much fun!

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Postby dlr2424 » April 3rd, 2005, 9:12 am

Dean0408 wrote:I just weighed my glasses.........they weigh exactly 47.3 pounds, and I didn't even need to lose weight in the first place........but.........being the nice guy that I am, I will stay on the plan so Heidi has company.


You kill me... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: I am speechless...that was too funny.... :roflmao:

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