I have to tell you all...that is the ones that can't read the numbers on the scale for whatever reason...(eyesight, glasses, "the girls" being in the way)...I contemplated getting a "Talking" scale..yes they have scales that will read out your weight....however I was too paranoid that someone may be lurking near the bathroom door ....

..hear the WEIGHT.....and tell the world...

....I also was going to get a scale that programs your weight...but again was thinking...

what if they got into my program....

....they would know for sure I was a REAL FATTY.....(like my physical appearence didn't already reveal that)....ohh...the foolish hang-ups we allow ourselves to have...when I hit my goal of 120 I will be sure to get the TALKING...PROGRAMABLE...HUGH NUMBER DISPLAY SCALE.....and be the first to hop on.....BECAUSE I CAN!!!.....
have a great day