When to Start ???

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When to Start ???

Postby PinkPrincess » August 7th, 2007, 1:25 pm

I am doing very well on MF , I am totally compliant and I have a steady weight loss. However , even though I am super excited about my weight loss, I am also disgusted with all the flabby skin left behind. I have seen the before and afters and no one seems to look flabby in their pics . So my question is this... Should I be Strength training (like resistance bands) during MF or should I just concentrate on losing the weight and worry about toning later?

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Postby bikipatra » August 7th, 2007, 1:41 pm

Saggy skin differs from person to person and depends on different factors ike age, genetics, how much weight you lose and how long you were overweight. If you are already experiencing flabby skin I would recommend strength training to make it look better although there is no real cure for extreme cases except surgery. I have no idea how extreme your problem is. I have been lucky and not had much of a problem but I know there are others who have ths difficulty and can be of more help.
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Postby Serendipity » August 7th, 2007, 5:44 pm

Even though my after pictures don't look flabby, I do have lots of extra skin. Upper arms, stomach, midriff, upper thighs. It's not flabby, but the skin is such that I don't feel comfortable showing those areas. I plan to have a surgeon take a look after I've been at goal for a year.

No amount of toning will change the extra skin issue. I believe surgery will be my only route.
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