Cool thread!
Mine was last Friday when we took the whole la Familia to Chuck-E-Cheese's for my nephew's birthday party. I threw my shaker & a packet in my purse, along with my MF crackers on the way out the door. Ended up being really (
predictably) seduced by the smell of BIG FAT PIZZA everywhere when we walked in.
So, instead of my shake, I had my L&G from the salad bar w/ MF crackers crumbled over the top for croutons. Enjoyed my evening, chatting & munching & sipping my diet coke, with about 10 large BIG FAT PIZZAS lining the tables, right under my nose. Never once occurred to me to "sneak" a bite - wee haw!!
Found myself looking down the table at everyone as we were talking, thinking:
Mom - Fat... Daddy - Fat... Sister - Fat... Daddy's fiancee' - Fat (my parents divorced like a hundred years ago)... Other Sister - Fat... Family friends 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Fat...
Not fat for long!!!