Whatcha doing?????

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Whatcha doing?????

Postby MamaD » January 9th, 2005, 5:15 pm

Ok, I'm old....I'm new.... I've been here....and got the stupids....but this is it. I feel like pooey and I am tired of it. My feet hurt, my joints hurt...and my pants are way too tight. I ahve too many chins...and too many sizes in my closet~!!!!!

Today is a new day one for me..and I am pretty excited about it. It is almost over and that is the good news.... I figure I am 50 it's ok for me to go to bed at 8:00 right????

Anyway...I read the boards every day....and I love the response and support that you offer to one another....I am very curious....and would love the feedback....

:?: Who is doing 5 and 1 and who is doing full fast??? :?:

I would love to talk to anyone who would love to buzz me up and keep me legal~~ My aol screen name is ragbags4u *(I make purses) and I am just going to put it out there............. I need you.

Thanks in advance.... Nancy, I am picking out the David!!!

Cee Cee :lol:
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Postby DutchChoc » January 9th, 2005, 6:30 pm

Congrats on your day #1, Cee Cee!! Don't stop. You can get all the support you need from this group, just keep posting and reading.
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Postby coco » January 9th, 2005, 8:33 pm

Hey, Welcome back!
I am doing 5 and 1...I think being able to have my one lean and green really helps keep me on. I dont know iif i could handle the full fast ;)
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Postby NikkiNix » January 9th, 2005, 9:19 pm

Hi MamaD,

I am doing the fullfast . I fear if I take one bite or lick of any foods I will fall off the MF wagon. It's true at times I feel like gnawing off my arm :oops: but then I think, if I start eating again I will have to start from scratch. I don't want to keep having do-overs like I did in the past. When I start thinking crazy thoughts of cheating I know I will only be cheating myself. I try to think about what's more important, a piece of pizza, or being able to take my kids to an amusement park and ride all the rides. I think Nancy put it best when she said"Make a list of all the reasons your doing MF" Everytime you get the urge to cheat take out that list and remind yourself why it's worth stayin the course. I know it helps me and then I realize cheating aint even worth it.

You can do it lady! You just have to outweigh the good the bad and the ugly. Stay the course

I'm with ya Nikki
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Postby LadyinVA » January 10th, 2005, 6:41 am

Congratulations on your Day 1!!

I am doing the 5 and 1 on most days (there have been a few days where I have done the full fast). This program is amazing! It is so easy to stay motivated when that scale just keeps moving, and the people that post on this board are so inspiring! :bow: Everyday for the last week I have lost 1/2 pound. Tomorrow will be the 2 week mark for me and I have lost 10 pounds! :yippee: Can this possibly keep up??

Anyway, keep up the good work and keep posting!
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Hello there...

Postby Diet Diva » January 10th, 2005, 8:08 am


Keep it up! :D
To answer your question, I am on the 5 and 1. I started with that in mind after the suggestion of my health advisor. He said that was a really good way to go since it helps your system move right along as you digest real food. I'm also glad to have the lean-n-green option so I can participate in meals out. It seems pretty easy to find a bowl of salad greens just about anywhere and I don't miss out on a big part of my social and family life. Ordering just salad green with a weeny piece-o-protein also makes me a really cheap date! No more big humongoid steak and seafood platters!!!

There have been a few days however, that I've not been able to fit in the lean and green due to time, a hectic schedule and such so I actually ended up doing a few full fast. I did notice that my body had quickly adjusted to eating 6 times a day from the 5 and 1, so the days that I fast I end up doing 6 replacements. My body seemed to really need that extra shake and I now feel fabulous. I just know from now on that when I do a full day fast I have to plan on 6 medimeals and I'll be fine.
So that's it for me. Take care.

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Postby MamaD » January 12th, 2005, 3:39 am

Wow... Thanks for all the great replies. I have been doing the 5 and 1 and I am going into day 4 and I am down 5 flabagges. So that is good inspiration. I bought some digital scales that weigh in .2 increments and displays in very big numbers..... gotta love those big numbers~~~ So far I have not had any crazy cravings or outrageous hunger. If I even think I am getting hungry I slurp a shake. I have also discovered the chicken and wild rice soup and chili. I have to do a little doctoring to it...but I like spicy and salty and that fits the bill.

thanks again
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Re: hello

Postby Guest » February 23rd, 2006, 6:30 pm

NikkiNix wrote:Hi MamaD,

I am doing the fullfast . I fear if I take one bite or lick of any foods I will fall off the MF wagon. It's true at times I feel like gnawing off my arm :oops: but then I think, if I start eating again I will have to start from scratch. I don't want to keep having do-overs like I did in the past. When I start thinking crazy thoughts of cheating I know I will only be cheating myself. I try to think about what's more important, a piece of pizza, or being able to take my kids to an amusement park and ride all the rides. I think Nancy put it best when she said"Make a list of all the reasons your doing MF" Everytime you get the urge to cheat take out that list and remind yourself why it's worth stayin the course. I know it helps me and then I realize cheating aint even worth it.

You can do it lady! You just have to outweigh the good the bad and the ugly. Stay the course

I'm with ya Nikki
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Postby DogMa » February 23rd, 2006, 9:43 pm

Welcome, MamaD. Congratulations on getting started!

I'm doing the 5 and 1, too, with the occasional full-plan day when I just don't have time (or food in the house). I prefer the one meal because:
1) I love to cook, and I love to eat out. Heck, I love to eat.
2) Eating real food keeps me sane and honestly is one of the high points of my day.
3) Helps me to learn what normal portions are and how to make good choices when I eat out.
4) Helps me to find healthy foods that I actually enjoy eating (I'm talking about you, roasted green beans and broccoli!).

I'm an extremely slow loser (although better on this program than any others I've tried the past few years), so I seem to be kind of an old-timer here. Feel free to PM me anytime.

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Postby Patti » February 24th, 2006, 5:12 am

Hi Cee Cee,

Welcome! I don't think going to be at 8:00 is unreasonable :lol: I am 53 and many times I am sound asleep at 6:30 P.M. (of course I get up every morning between 3 and 4 A.M.).

I do the 5 & 1 plan. I look so forward to my lean and green meal in the evening, which I eat at 5:00 P.M. Guess that's why I go to bed so early, the highlight of my day happens at 5 PM ..... I eat, read a bit, go to bed early so I can get up and look forward to doing it all over again.

Since you've been here before, you can just pick up where you left off. You could probably give us newer people some pointers along the way.

Good to have you back!

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Postby Marseilles » February 24th, 2006, 5:35 am

Unfortunately, CeeCee's post is over a year old and we havent heard from her in months.
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Postby Patti » February 24th, 2006, 6:08 am

Oh well, if she ever checks in again.....she'll be pleased with all the support she is getting in her absence. Just goes to show you the motivation generated around here.

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Postby Marseilles » February 24th, 2006, 6:20 am

My sentiments exactly! :)
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