What is your reasoning for...

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Postby Carrie » August 12th, 2004, 7:23 am

Mike, I think you might be on to something. Somehow I imagine utilizing your spare room would go hand-in-hand with 100% program compliance!

Gotta go nail down all my belongings!
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Postby explorthis » August 12th, 2004, 8:13 am

Correct, call it "Guido's S & M"

(Slurping & Medifasting)

All applicants will be required to be in chains for the duration of their loss. Once you lose, you win!
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » August 12th, 2004, 3:41 pm

Ha! About this time of year in Arkansas we are always sweltering in 100+ humid hatefulness, but for whatever strange reasons of time and space, we have been spared this year! We have had nights int he fifties and days in the low eighties all month long!

It is great--I have never seen an August this pleasant! Of course, I have a neighbor that come by every day to tell me it's a sign of the end of the world. LOL
If I wasn't such a nice girl, I'd tell her to shaddap and let me enjoy my last few days! LOL :angel:

Started 8/2/2004
Next goal: 220!

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » August 12th, 2004, 4:01 pm

Suzanna, some people are just never happy! :x I try never to complain about the weather here in Hawaii but many do! Although a hurricane on it's way is a different story. :shock:

Carrie, our thoughts and prayers are with all you Floridians. Hope you ride it out safely and securely.

Mike, I have a friend who needs to lose weight so I'm recommending your place as I think that's the only way. Her husband told me he never supports her because she gets REALLY cranky when dieting. He told me, "As a matter of fact I always keep a little chocolate on the side to keep her sedated." :lol:

Suzanna, maybe your neighbor is dieting? Turn her on to MF. Drinking and slurping MF makes every hour, happy hour! :buddies:

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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » August 12th, 2004, 4:22 pm

HAPPY HOUR, Camille! LOL :toast:

She does not need to diet, lust learn how to say something once and then STOP TALKING! LOL

Poor neighbor--she's actually very nice...just a little grating sometimes with the doomsday stuff! LOL

Started 8/2/2004
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Postby Nancy » August 12th, 2004, 11:24 pm

Carrie ~

Yeah, it was GOOD to hear from you but BAD news about the hurricane being at your backdoor. :x

Yikes! We want you to be safe! :hug:

Pack your underdoodies and your Medifast and get the heck outta Dodge!

Hope it is goin' better at work. :pet:

:heart: ya and have missed you muchly! :exercise:
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Postby NikkiNix » August 14th, 2004, 9:55 pm

Hi all,

I have actually been reading this post for days now and i was one of the people that wouldn't log on and would lurk around to see how everyone was doing, or if anyone else was doing as bad as myself to make myself feel better. I would actually look forward to someone else falling off the plan so I didn't feel alone. I realize the main reason for falling off the plan was self loathing I have come to not like myself or my body so I just kept on setting myself up for failure. I even tried to erase all my posts and took my avitar off and just wanted to erase myself completely so I would never have to own up to being a failure on this plan. a fool proof plan. Mikes question made me really start thinking about why do we have 201 do-overs what is the purpose. I kept telling myself I love food I don't look that bad people think I'm pretty the way I am. Let's face it I was making every excuse I could to keep coming off the plan because i was feeling sorry for myself. Questions like why don't other people have this much trouble gaining weight , it must be genetics, why when I exercise for 2 years I only lose 15lbs while others would have lost 50lbs. so that is my reasoning I just feel sorry for myself and I need to get over it already and move on. I am ashamed but I will dust the crumbs off as Nancy often tells us cheaters to do and I will try this again. This time I will always try to think what is my reasoning before I even take a bite. Hopefully this will help me stay on course.

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Postby Nancy » August 14th, 2004, 10:59 pm

Nikki Girl ~

Welcome back! Don't ever leave!

You need us and we need you.

One of the steps to weight loss success and long-term maintenance is accountability.

IF we were able to do it (lose weight and maintain an appropriate weight) alone, we would have already done it.

Foodies can't and they don't.

I lost weight and am maintianing my weight loss because of accountability.

Because I am accountable, I can and I do.

YOU need it, too.

Get with the program or your numbers will keep on :twisted: growing. :shock:


Blunt, huh? Yeah, but truthful.

I'm glad ya brushed off the crumbs, Little Darlin'. We'll give ya a hug, welcome you back home and walk ya through those first :x days again.

Do it this time, Girl... then there will be no MORE :x first days!

Let this be the LAST time you begin a weight LOSS phase.

When you do, you are choosing to head TOWARD weight maintenance! Let maintenance be your carrot!

Accountability IS important and so are you, Nikki!
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Postby NikkiNix » August 18th, 2004, 6:11 am

Hi Nancy,

Thanks for the words of encuragement I know I can act like a five year old sometimes wanting the world to feel sorry for me but i'm happy to let you know I am on day 4 no foodies yet and I'm back down to the 30LB weight loss again and I'm going to be in the 40LB weight club soon enough. I'm taking it one day at a time and I'm trying to stop obsessing about every little thing like making it to 100lbs gone before the years up. I'm shakin away the flab and the negativity. :D

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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » August 18th, 2004, 7:52 am

It's not just you, NikkiNix! I have a spoiled brat living in me who sometimes throws a fit and whines for pizza and I hate her! LOL She really is a brat and wheedles and cajoles and reasons for what she wants. I have been doing really well (this time) shutting her out and being firm that it isn't what *I* really want, so "we" aren't going to do it!

Now that I've established myself as the forum nutjob, let me address the "Why do-over" question.

I haven't been off plan this time around, but last summer, when I went off, I had lots of "reasons"--my blender motor burned up and that was my favorite way to have shakes. I halfheartedly shopped for a new one but "couldn't find one I liked". I used the shaker jars for awhile but the spoiled brat was yelling "It's not FAIR! We don't LIKE shakes this way!" so then I decided I was no longer focused on food and would be able to go to the modified plan. Then I got sick with a lot of serious respiratory stuff (caught it from the kids--what else is new?) and that was the final straw for me. I just gave up--I was so weary and sick and my one lean/green meal a day was SO GOOD and it felt great to be EATING again. My first slice of pizza post-medifast tasted GREAT--I won't lie--but I stuffed all that guilt and sadness over leaving the plan wayyy down in my gut and ate my head off for several months.
The thing about those emotions is that holding them in can be deadly, so I finally just had to deal with it and admit to myself that going off plan once did not seal my fate forever. What a revelation! I could have a do-over!
I never want to go through that process again, though--it just took so much out of me to even GET to the point of trying again.

Started 8/2/2004
Next goal: 220!

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Postby Nancy » August 18th, 2004, 9:32 am

NikkiNix & SRD ~

Whew! Glad you are still out there and going forward!

The best thing is this: with every shake you drink, you are getting closer to your goal.

This is like the Olympics folks - go for the gold!

It takes discipline and daily training - when your buddies are out there messing around, don’t be looking back over your shoulder.

Grab your shaker jar, we’ve gotta be in the field training hard!

Just think how good it will feel when you are standing on the podium, top o’ the platform and everyone in the audience is standing up in your honor.

All the eyes will be on you, The Winner.

The flags will be lowered, the medal placed around your slender neck, and you'll be standing there, just looking skinny.

Your anthem will play, “The Last Train to Thinsville” and the theme from “Rocky” only it will be re-titled, “NikkiNix” or “S..R…D…” or [insert your name here].

It’ll be cheers and tears, a time to celebrate – not with food but with the pleasure of the company of your friends, family and a healthy slender bod.

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My reasoning for a break

Postby Jules » August 23rd, 2005, 12:57 pm

After medifasting for ten days, I felt so weak and deprived, I decided to eat a regular dinner. It actually gave me strength to continue. The next day I started right back on the program. I proved to myself I had the will power to get back on the program. I did beat myself up emotionally after I'd eaten, but I felt renewed both mentally and physically to start up the next day. I plan to repeat this procedure if I ever get that low again. Has anyone else used this plan? I feel inferior to those who have gone straight through, after reading the posts.....but, I really just stopped for a refueling, so to speak. Jules
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Re: My reasoning for a break

Postby BerkshireGrl » August 23rd, 2005, 5:46 pm


What is your daily schedule like? What kind of physical activity do you do usually? And what does your MF meal schedule look like?

I ask because I wonder if you are not eating enough daily? In the past, I know if I exercised really hard, or missed a MF meal, I actually got faint and dizzy afterwards...

Hope you are doing well tonight! :)

p.s. I miss Mike... :cry: I wish we had more maintainers that popped in every so often to boost those soldiering on... :buddies:
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