Nikki Girl ~
Welcome back! Don't ever leave!
You need us and we need you.
One of the steps to weight loss success and long-term maintenance is
IF we were able to do it (lose weight and maintain an appropriate weight) alone, we would have already done it.
Foodies can't and they don't.
I lost weight and am maintianing my weight loss
because of accountability.
Because I am accountable, I can and I do.
YOU need it, too.
Get with the program or your numbers will keep on

Blunt, huh? Yeah, but truthful.
I'm glad ya brushed off the crumbs, Little Darlin'. We'll give ya a hug, welcome you back home and walk ya through those first

days again.
Do it this time, Girl... then there will be no MORE

first days!
Let this be the LAST time you begin a weight LOSS phase.
When you do, you are choosing to head TOWARD weight maintenance! Let maintenance be your carrot!
Accountability IS important and so are you, Nikki!