by Diana » February 3rd, 2007, 11:49 pm
Hi, Momma, and belated welcome.
I determine that for the next 10 or 15 minutes I'm not giving in to anything, grab something non-caloric to drink (usually bottled water) and throw myself headlong into something (grading papers, folding clothes, straightening something). At the end of the 10 or 15 minutes (or when I look at the clock again), I congratulate myself and evaluate whether or not I can go another round. If I can, I press on. If not, I try something along the boullion line. (Careful with caffeinated choices -- the caffeine will actually LOWER your bloodsugar and make you think you're hungry.) If at the end of the next round, I'm still having a problem, I go for a sanctioned snack. However, if I'm getting into headache territory, I go for a shake.
Here's to our mutual success!