What do you tell your young kids?

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What do you tell your young kids?

Postby RobinP » June 14th, 2005, 3:08 pm

Hi! I'm on my 6th day and have already lost 5 lbs :D (water I know, but still). I've been dieting the traditional way since January, but it was going too slow...10 lbs in 5 months was a bit rediculous :x ! I think this is the greatest diet! I haven't felt sick, no headaches, no cravings, nothing! The only thing that has been hard today is making 4 dozen cookies and mini blueberry muffins for my husband's squadron children's party and blood drive...both tomorrow. It was bard b/c I love to lick the spoon!

Anyway. My question is what do you tell your kids :?: . It has been engraned in me not to talk about my weight, being fat, hating your body, etc infront of your kids, especially daughters, as to not start them on a path toward an unhealthy body image. My daughter (4 in Aug) has noticed the shakes and that I don't eat lunch with them or that she can't have a shake too b/c its mommy's diet food...how do I explain that I'm on a diet to lose weight b/c I'm fat? So far I've told her that mommy is on a diet so I can be healthy for her b/c I weigh too much. I can already tell she has my husband's "tall and skinny" jeans, so I really don't want to introduce the idea that food makes you fat and unhealthy.

Any thoughts? What have any of y'all told your young children?

Also, since my husband's squadron is having a blood drive tomorrow and they do it every 6 weeks or so, can you give blood while on this diet?

Have a great day!
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Postby Mommy2girls » June 14th, 2005, 3:30 pm

Hi Robin!

Welcome and congrats! I agree dieting the old-fashioned way is hard and takes too long!

I have been MFing for 2 months (yesterday was my 2 month mark) and I also have 2 small children. My first daughter will be 5 in December and my second daughter will be 3 in July. They have never asked me WHY? They have tasted my STUFF and LIKE IT. But I don't give them a whole lot of anything. My almost-3 year old loves the shakes. :lol:

When I used to go check in at a diet center Aug-Dec 03 (the girls were much younger and my older dd would always say what are we doing?) I had to explain that mommy needed a HEALTH CHECKUP. That was fine by them.

I also do not want my kids to be burdened with issuses of food and dieting. Both of my girls are skinny yet healthy, and have no food issues. They eat when they are hungry and don't when they are not. (Which is exactly how food should be treated!)

I would be honest. Say that the foods you are eating will make you healthy. The medigods may disagree but I would let them taste what you are eating when they feel like it. You don't have to get overly complex, just say things in terms they will understand. Maybe call them protein supplements instead of diet supplements.

I'm right there with you Robin. My kids take turns pushing the blender button for me... LOL! And I'm on the 5&1 plan so we always eat dinner together and it is never an issue.

Good luck,
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Postby Mommy2girls » June 14th, 2005, 3:33 pm

Oh and sorry I have no clue about the donating blood while MFing. It probably doesn't seem like a good idea but I'm NOT by any means a doctor or health expert.

A lot of times after donating blood, they will ask you to drink juice, which is not on the MF plan. Maybe you could substitue a shake or bar after donating?

Nancy hopefully can answer this one for you!
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Postby DogMa » June 14th, 2005, 4:36 pm

I've always done the same with my young cousins (I'm like a second mom to them). I stress the health aspects of ANY dieting I've done. I also explain that everyone is different; some people can't eat certain foods, like sugar (or carbs when I was low-carbing). It helped that their grandfather was diabetic; I told them just as he couldn't eat sugar and had to watch what he ate, so did I.
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Postby want2Bthin » June 14th, 2005, 4:43 pm


I have a 9 year old daughter & I have always been concerned about being careful when I talk about self image to her or around her. She has asked alot of questions about the program. I tell her that for me it is not about my body image in others eyes but about my overall health. I tell her that I need to do this to get myself to a "safe" weight so I can live longer. She seems to understand that. I have always taught her that all people are beautiful in their own way & that sometimes society judges harshly but to always be proud of who she is.

I guess what I am saying is try to approach it from a health only stand point. Hopefully that way they will not be caught up in self image to please others.

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Postby Nancy » June 14th, 2005, 4:58 pm

Good answer for what to say to your children - and I definitely would let them not only taste but have their own shake...it's purely good nutritious food...and yes, we can make our kids have cwazy thoughts about food if we are cwazed about it! Little eyes and ears see and hear it all…we need to think about the message our lives and words portray about our self-image, about food and how we project those thoughts on them…

re: blood donation. I gave blood while on the weight loss program, I ate a bar afterwards and no probs. I think it is best to be sure you are well hydrated and most of us are...64 ounces or more per day, right, Kids?

Blood donating may not be the best for all people who are Medifasting - it might be a good idea to call and speak with your advice nurse before doing so. I even had surgery while I was on my weight loss program. They tried to get me to eat crackers after I awakened and brought me pain meds. I told the nurse that I preferred to NOT have any pain medication but Nurse Sternfinger told me to open up and swallow it down...half an hour later, :puke: I had a shake and felt much better...

If you are in good health, if anything, have an extra shake that day - perhaps half an hour before you go and follow up with another shake or a bar if you feel woozy. Your nurse will be the best resource for you.
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Postby fedup » June 14th, 2005, 5:22 pm

My daughter is 5 and, as Nancy said, they do indeed see and hear all! Just from how prevalant the word "diet" is in our society, she has learned and used the word. I'm also sure I've slipped and said that in the past...

So I am trying to emphasize the healthy aspect to her. I just told her that I'm going back on my "plan" to eat healthy foods. I don't use the word "diet", and I just say how "it's good for you" and "I feel better"... When I would go on a walk I let her come too.... sure, she walks like 2 miles an hour and every leaf, rock and bug is something to stop for, ;) but I figure the good habits it's ingraining in her are more important!
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Postby Guest » June 15th, 2005, 12:45 pm

Thanks everyone for all the great advice. :D I will just keep telling my daughter that I drink the shakes so I can be healthy and add all the other great ways of saying the same thing that y'all told me! As far as tasting them goes, my son loves them and tries to steal my cup when I'm not looking. My daughter hates loud noises and objects to the blender being used so frequently.

:D Thanks for the advice on giving blood aswell. I didn't go b/c I couldn't get a sitter, but its good info for the future. I haven't given in a while b/c of some traveling that I did and surgeries ect that have waiting periods on them, but I think I'm finally past all those waiting periods so I can start again...my husband gives alot b/c he has the least common blood type so they are always calling him to go give.

I went to the squadron children's party today and there were all sorts of homemade treats! I didn't have a single one and not one person insisted that I eat something! It was wonderful! My son was a different story of course...he isn't used to seeing that much junk in one place so he would "sneak" a piece and hide from me while he ate it just incase I might take it away :lol: It was so funny.

Anyway, y'all have a great day!
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Postby RobinP » June 15th, 2005, 12:47 pm

I forgot to log in...the gueat was me!
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Postby Tk » June 15th, 2005, 3:42 pm

Hi Robyn;
My boys are teens. Anyways, they asked so I let them have one. They don't care for them. They's rather have slimfast. Must sweeter to them. Body image is not a problem with my boys. I said I was gonna start using MF to lose weight and both said "why" your perfect already!! I love them!!!
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Postby Nancy » June 15th, 2005, 4:57 pm

Robin ~

You did a great job avoiding the :twisted: temptations and you chose the :lol: healthy happy way. Woo hoo!
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Postby Nancy » June 15th, 2005, 10:33 pm

Tk ~
They's rather have slimfast. Must sweeter to them.

It IS sweeter - it's milk and sugar...Medifast shakes are low glycemic which means they help us to maintain a normal glucose balance, thus we don't have carby cravings and we don't fall asleep shortly after having a shake like people who get drowsy after eating a carbolic snack start stalking a recliner...
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