What do you say when.....

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What do you say when.....

Postby DonicaB » May 19th, 2005, 2:42 pm

you talk to people who have seen you fail soooo many times before?

I ask this because I have been putting off getting an appt to get my hair trimmed because I don't want to have to face my hair dresser. I have been going to the same gal for several years. She has watched me lose and gain......and lose and gain........and lose and gain.........you get the picture.

Anyway......I am so excited :yippee: about my weight loss but I am concerned about what she will think......why is that? :huh:

She is a very nice lady and will notice immediately that I have lost weight. What do I say when she asks me about it? I know she will be thinking.........SHE'LL JUST GAIN IT ALL BACK AGAIN! :roll:

My hair is getting a little long but I have decided to let it grow out for the summer and see if I can get it close to one length before school starts again in the fall. I want to look like a totally new woman when I return to work in the fall. :mrgreen:

My hair grows very fast and is very thick. I really need to get it thinned out and trimmed a little......but I am so nervous about talking to her.

AAAHHHH...I don't like this feeling..... :(

Have any of you felt this way?

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Postby LilMsTexas » May 19th, 2005, 3:01 pm

OOOOOOOOOOOooh yes.........of course we have....I certainly have. But ya know what I think? I believe it is YOU who are having those demon thoughts in your head about your past "failings". I bet all she will be thinking is "WOW you really look good and boy I wish I could lose some weight." She'll probally be thinking "good for her..it's working this time." All this extra baggage your carrying around is the little voice in your head that still has some doubt about the ineviatable success you are going to have.......that you are already having.

It's like us going to the gym and believing that everyone actually stops their own workout and looks at us and thinks "DANG..WHAT IS SHE DOING IN HERE? DOESN"T SHE KNOW THE GYM IS ONLY FOR PERFECTLY FIT AND THIN PEOPLE?"

Go to your hairdresser Donica........get your hair done.......glow because you are being successful.......brag about wanting your hair to be all one length when you make your debut next school year and get on with it!! And if nothing else sweetie.......what the heck does it matter what she thinks? When you go back for another trim in a while she'll see even MORE success!! Get the bad thoughts out of your head.

If you BELIEVE you are a winner you are WINNER!! Others will treat you and your life based off of the way YOU react to it. If you go in there saying "yeah..I know I'm at it again.....we'll see what happens" she will think the same thing. On the other hand.....if you go in there with the "can you believe it? this plan was MADE for me! and I'm so glad I found it!" she will get caught up in your excitement and that will be that!!

Now get off the computer and go and call and get your hair done. I can't have my friends running around looking shabby.....I won't have it!!

Now scoot!
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby LeeannNH » May 19th, 2005, 5:03 pm

hey donicab

i totally hear you on this! i am in the same boat, except it is with my family. i live in NH and my family lives in TN. i havent seen them since i gained my weight back from my last diet. i have to face them july 4 for my sisters wedding and i know they will be thinking "here she goes again". especially since they dont know that i have gained. i am like 50# heavier than i was the last time i saw them. ugh! so i have to suck it up and embrace what i am when i get there.

there are certain things that i refuse to let happen. i will not let what others think stop me from doing everything i can to take care of myself and that definitely includes getting my hair done! you should celebrate and get that hair done girl! maybe even try a new color or something! your hairdresser will be pleased to see that you are happy and doing well, especially if you have the confidence that you are succeeding!

hang in there and you are sooooo not alone

take care of yourself

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Postby dlr2424 » May 19th, 2005, 5:40 pm

.......Donica..... :roll: ....I hear you all to well.........although I have to applaud Christy on her remarks that I so admire.. :clapclap: ...I believe in everything she said........ :yes: .......but feeling it is a different story........ :dunno: .......I am having a hard time with receiving compliments...... :hide: .....in my mind I feel like they are thinking..... :hmmm: .......Oh here so goes again...... :roll: .......what is she trying now... :point: .......and trust me...........I know some of them are thinking that...............but it is only up to me to prove them wrong...... :yes: .......this will be the last weight loss journey I will encounter..... :yes: .......I have to believe that.............cause the little fat demons do dance around my mind from time to time....... :twisted: .......so lately I have felt like..... :hmmm: ......I really don't want to see many people until I am at goal..... :couch: .....all because I don't want to be scrutinized...... :roll: .......but I can hear Christy's little voice..... :angel: ........ in my head and I realize.....I need to believe in myself ............... :mrgreen: .... ....if I don't who will............. :dunno: .........but this is a journey............much to learn along the way...... :coach: ......so much more positive self talk.................isn't it funny how we or at least I can be so positive reinforcing others and yet when it comes to ourselves I need to grow in that area......... :hammerhead: .......so Donica...........I can relate..........but I suggest to take Christy's suggestion all the way........... :yeah: ...............

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Postby DonicaB » May 20th, 2005, 3:44 pm

All of you are right. I just need to go in there and with a good attitude :thumbsup: and not care what she thinks. I don't know why SHE matters so much anyway. :huh:

Your right Donna~~ it seems easier to be encouraging others......at least a lot easier than encouraging myself.

All of you are great....I just love you guys... :heart: .......I am soooo happy I found this great group of medi friends. :stroll: We will definitely have to meet face to face some day. :hi5:

LeeAnn~~I just had my hair highlighted about 2 months ago. I love getting it highlighted. It just adds so much to my natural dark brown color.

Again, thanks guys.......I will call and get an appt as soon as she can fit me in.

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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » May 21st, 2005, 4:16 am

I used to "doubt think" a LOT :cry: and always seemed to be my own worst critic at times.
I finally decided to start keeping a journal, and every day I write 5 things
about myself that I enjoy (a la Oprah) Then every morning I look in the mirror and tell myself those things before I head out the door for my day.
Now it may sound silly BUT this really works!
I have a much better attitude about myself and it also has allowed me to
take steps to fix the things that I wasn't happy with such as my smile.
I am sure that your hairdresser will be thinking how awesome you look now, not that you have lost and gained before.
I think probably every woman on the planet can identify at some point in their lives with weight issues.
She will be thrilled to give you a new cut to fit your new slimmer face and body I am sure!
AND we want to see photo's!!
Hope you have made that appointment!!
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Postby DonicaB » May 25th, 2005, 6:49 pm

OK~~ I went and got my hair cut today........and apparently I was worrying over nothing.........she didn't say a word about my weight........she just said........"OMG you are gonna grow your hair out??.........You've been wearing your hair the same way for as long as I can remember!"

She snipped here and trimmed there......and I was outta there. :drive:

I need to quit putting the cart before the horse. :no:

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Postby dlr2424 » May 25th, 2005, 7:48 pm

Donica............ :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: .....sorry but that struck me so funny........I am right with you when it comes to wasted worry...... :roll: ......anticipating something... :hmmm: ..and then it doesn't come to be...... :scratch: ....the energy I have wasted on similiar things...... :huh: ....anyway.......I hope your feeling better............ :hug:

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Postby fatBgone » May 25th, 2005, 7:56 pm

Donica....Well, I guess that's good, uh?? :nutz: I guess it would have been nice if she would have at least noticed though....but since she didn't say anything, then you didn't have to go into any details about "another" diet...even though this is the LAST diet!!

I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago (about 8 inches chopped off) and it's so different...I'm used to being able to pull it all up and just forget about it - and now I actually have to blow it dry and sorta style it....but on the other hand, it goes well with my new "thinner" look - but I can't wait to lose the rest of it.

Well, I'm off to reading all the new posts (which by the way - happen to be all from you - so I might be talking to ya again real soon!!)
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Postby DonicaB » May 26th, 2005, 9:26 am

fatBgone wrote:Well, I'm off to reading all the new posts (which by the way - happen to be all from you - so I might be talking to ya again real soon!!)

Lisa~~I just can't stay away from this place.

I bet your hair looks great. It sounds like you and I made the same decision........I want a brand new me......new body.......new hair..........new clothes hehe :lol:

I'm sure she will notice the next time I go in. She was just soooo shocked :o that I was actually doing something different with my hair, that I think she just didn't notice.......or maybe she did notice but didn't want to say anything.......there were several other women around.

Donna~~I noticed you are more than half way there. I would sure like to see some past half-way pics, girl. From your avatar and your before pictures it is obvious you are a beautiful woman. Is your complexion naturally dark? I love dark skin tones.

My dad always used to tell me that I was a worry wart. I am so bad about anitcipating situations and getting all worked up and then...........they don't happen. You would think I would eventually get IT! Oh Well! What can I say! :dunno:

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