It's 1:20 am as I write this and Unca's

Hi, Folks ~
Here’s a photo of Leopard Woman without her trademark leopardy clothing!
This is the outfit that Terry had custom designed and fitted for me to wear when we were in Baltimore. It is two separate pieces and I like the wispy look of the layers.
The back of the blouse is magenta net over black spandex; the front is surplice cut, layers of black net and magenta net over the spandex and very fitted.
Check out the slits in the sleeves – it shows off my tan from working in the yard!

The spandex circle skirt is cut on the bias with several layers of net and a tad bit of magenta netting

Our daughter Becky thinks my outfit looks like an ice skater’s costume…that’s pretty funny because Terry and I actually met at Silver Skate Ice Rink when I was a senior in high school and he was a freshman at Portland State College!
He worked at the rink where he drove the Zamboni and served as Ice Patrol Dude.
When he asked me out on our first date, he skated over to me, intending to do a fancy “hockey stop” and sprayed my red stretch pants with a layer of ice and then he promptly fell at my feet! Hee hee.
(Now Folks, I was 16 years old then and in those dinosaur days of old - the SIXTIES - we wore stretch pants with 'stirrups'. I skated a couple times every week in the Olden Days and I weighed 140 pounds. I was taller then, too - five feet 7 & 7/8. I've shrunk since then...drat!

Check out those wild magenta fishnet stockings!!

Because I can, I do!
Here I am in my leathers and a very daring shirt. Terry loved this fabric and he had this blouse special made for me, too - BECAUSE HE CAN!
(I nearly used the word "custom" made but that is really a hard phrase for me to say because for so many years, I had to wear CUSTOM size clothing or QUEEN size clothing. Some department stores refer to the place where one can purchase the larger sizes as "The Women's Department." Then there's the men's clothing store called, "Big & Tall."
Blech! Labels are so yucky! I am so glad that I turned in my former label...
You know, I think Terry rather enjoys LW in all her wild clothing - how fun for him to be able to know that he had such a great part in my success. He encouraged me every shake of the way and he still does! Isn't he cute standing there next to moi?
“it is not the easy or convenient life for which I search…but life lived to edge of all my possibilities…” mary anne radmacher
Medifast has made it possible for me to have so many possibilities!
Just think, there are many possibilities for YOU to behold as well – you hold them in your little shaker jar!
Life: Shake it up!!