by Diana » April 28th, 2007, 1:09 am
Get well soon, SuzyQ!!!
Yes, there's a live conference call with a Take Shape for Life nurse on Mondays at 5:30 Pacific. The number is (646) 519-5860, PIN 0971#
Definitely you should increase your intake (extra packets, maybe even an additional L&G) and possibly add some salt (like boullion or even diet soda). I'm not a nurse, but, Suzy, it sounds like staying on plan at this very moment is not the #1 priority!!
You can also email Lori Andersen, RN at getfitfast "at" comcast dot net. She usually hosts the Monday night nurse's call and, as a bonus, she's Dr. Andersen's wife (Dr. A is the co-founder of Take Shape for Life which is the complete program using the Medifast products).
Hope you're fully recovered soon!!
Here's to our mutual success!